dental是什么意思 dental在线中文翻译



a. 牙齿的
【医】 牙的, 齿的, 齿音, 齿音字母


名词 dental:

  1. a consonant articulated with the tip of the tongue near the gum ridge同义词:alveolar consonant, dental consonant, alveolar

形容词 dental:

  1. of or relating to the teeth
  2. of or relating to dentistry


  1. Dental prosthetics involving a bridge or bridges.用齿桥补牙用一个或多个齿桥进行牙齿修复
  2. The branch of dentistry that deals with diseases of the tooth root, dental pulp, and surrounding tissue.牙髓病学研究牙根、牙髓及其周围组织疾病的牙医学的一个分支
  3. A dental technician specializing in making and fitting dentures as a direct service to the public rather than through a licensed dentist.假牙师一种牙科技术师,其专长在于制造和安装假牙,他可以直接为公众服务,而不必通过有执照的牙科医生
  4. The doctor told me that I have many dental problems.医生说我的牙齿问题很多。


adj.(形容词)Abbr. dent.Of, relating to, or for the teeth:缩写 dent.牙的,和牙有关的:例句:dental caps.牙套
Abbr. dent.Of, relating to, or intended for dentistry:缩写 dent.牙科的,与牙科有关的:例句:dental work; dental bills.与牙科有关的工作;与牙科有关的帐单
Linguistics Articulated with the tip of the tongue near or against the upper front teeth:【语言学】 齿音的:用舌夹靠近或抵住牙齿上前方发音的:例句:the English dental consonantst and d . 英语的齿音td
n.Linguistics (名词)【语言学】 A dental consonant.齿音
来源:New Latin dent3lis 现代拉丁语 dent3lis from Latin ns dent- [tooth] * see dent- 源自 拉丁语 ns dent- [牙齿] *参见 dent-