a. 喝醉了的
名词 drunk:
- a chronic drinker同义词:drunkard, rummy, sot, inebriate, wino
- someone who is intoxicated
动词 drink:
- take in liquids同义词:drink, imbibe
- consume alcohol同义词:drink, booze, fuddle
- propose a toast to同义词:toast, drink, pledge, salute, wassail
- be fascinated or spell-bound by; pay close attention to同义词:drink in, drink
- drink excessive amounts of alcohol; be an alcoholic同义词:drink, tope
形容词 drunk:
- stupefied or excited by a chemical substance (especially alcohol)同义词:intoxicated, inebriated
- as if under the influence of alcohol同义词:intoxicated
- He was obviously drunk.他显然是醉了。
- He'd drunk so much that he found it hard to remain perpendicular.他喝酒太多,简直站都站不直了。
- He must have drunk too much; when he tried to stand up, he keeled over.他肯定是喝多了,当他要站起来时,却摔倒在地上。
- He appears to have drunk a lot of liquor.他似乎喝得醉醺醺的。
- I've drunk a cup of pomegranate juice.我已经喝了一杯石榴汁了。
- The drunk man lost his pouch in the bar.那个喝醉了的人在酒吧里丢失了钱袋。
- Several drunks lay on the floor.好几个醉汉躺在地板上。
- He is slightly drunk.他有些醉了。
v.(动词)Past participle of
drink drink的过去分词adj.
Usage Problem (形容词)
【用法疑难】 Intoxicated with alcoholic liquor to the point of impairment of physical and mental faculties.醉的:过度饮用酒精饮料,导致妨碍身体和大脑的正常功能Caused or influenced by intoxication.酒醉引起的,受酒醉影响的Overcome by strong feeling or emotion:陶醉的:被强烈的情感控制的:例句:drunk with power.被权力陶醉
n.(名词)A drunkard.醉汉A bout of drinking.酒宴
As an adjective the form
drunk is used predicatively while the form
drunken is now used only attributively: 作为形容词,
drunk 用作表语, 而现在
drunken 仅用作定语: 例句:He was drunk last night.昨晚上他在餐桌上就醉了。
例句:A drunken man at the table beside us ruined our evening. 一个醉汉在我们旁边的桌旁,破坏了晚上的气氛。
In most contextsthe attributive use of
drunk is considered unacceptable in formal style. But the phrases
drunk driver and
drunk driving are supported not only by common usage but also, in many jurisdictions, by a legal distinction between the expressions 在大部分情况下,正式场合中
drunk 不用作定语。 但不仅一般用法支持
drunk driver 和
drunk driving 的说法, 而且许多法律裁决在法律上区分 例句:drunk driver (a driver whose alcohol level exceeds the legal limit) and 饮酒过量的司机(其酒精含量超过法定限度的司机)与
例句:drunken driver (a driver who is inebriated). 喝醉了的司机(醉酒的司机)