someone who prefers negotiations to armed conflict in the conduct of foreign relations同义词:peacenik
a constellation in the southern hemisphere near Puppis and Caelum同义词:Columba
flesh of a pigeon suitable for roasting or braising; flesh of a dove (young squab) may be broiled同义词:squab
an emblem of peace
动词 dive:
drop steeply同义词:dive, plunge, plunk
plunge into water同义词:dive
swim under water同义词:dive
Dove to a depth of30 feet; shelves with enough depth to store the large boxes.潜入水下三十英尺处; 有足够长度用来存放这些大盒子的架子
The dove is the emblem of peace.鸽子是和平的象徵。
The dove is an emblem of peace.鸽子是和平的象征。
The dove is the symbol of peace.鸽子是和平的象征。
dove n.(名词)Any of various widely distributed birds of the family Columbidae, which includes the pigeons, having a small head and a characteristic cooing call.鸽:广泛分布的各种鸽科鸟,包括头小和咕咕叫的家鸽A gentle, innocent person.温和:温和、天真的人A person who advocates peace, conciliation, or negotiation in preference to confrontation or armed conflict.鸽派人物:主张和平调解或谈判而不主张对立或武装冲突的人 来源:Middle English douve 中古英语 douve from Old English *dôfe 源自 古英语 *dôfe 【引伸】 dov.ish adj.(形容词)dov.ishness n.(名词) ---------------另--------------dove dove 2 v.(动词)A past tense of dive See Usage Note at dive See Regional Note at wakedive的过去式参见 dive参见 wake