digs是什么意思 digs在线中文翻译



n. 寄宿处, 住所


名词 digs:

  1. an excavation for ore or precious stones or for archaeology同义词:diggings
  2. temporary living quarters同义词:diggings, domiciliation, lodgings, pad

名词 dig:

  1. the site of an archeological exploration同义词:dig, excavation, archeological site
  2. an aggressive remark directed at a person like a missile and intended to have a telling effect同义词:shot, shaft, slam, dig, barb, jibe, gibe
  3. a small gouge (as in the cover of a book)同义词:dig
  4. the act of digging同义词:excavation, digging, dig
  5. the act of touching someone suddenly with your finger or elbow同义词:dig, jab

动词 dig:

  1. turn up, loosen, or remove earth同义词:dig, delve, cut into, turn over
  2. create by digging同义词:dig, dig out
  3. work hard同义词:labor, labour, toil, fag, travail, grind, drudge, dig, moil
  4. remove the inner part or the core of同义词:excavate, dig, hollow
  5. poke or thrust abruptly同义词:jab, prod, stab, poke, dig
  6. get the meaning of something同义词:grok, get the picture, comprehend, savvy, dig, grasp, compass, apprehend


  1. One that digs graves.掘墓者挖掘坟墓的人
  2. She makes mean little digs at him.她冲他说一些刻薄的挖苦话。