directing是什么意思 directing在线中文翻译

directing[di'rekt, dai'rekt]


【经】 指示


动词过去式:directed 过去分词:directed 现在分词:directing 第三人称单数:directs 


control, direct, govern, manage, rule, supervise, administer
control: 含义广泛的常用词,指对人或物施以约束或控制的力量。
direct: 侧重行使领导或指导权。
govern: 侧重指运用任何控制的权力来统治或管理一个国家、一个社会或一个部门,暗含能力和知识的运用。
manage: 强调对具体事务机构进行管理,有时含受权管理或处理之意。
rule: 强调用绝对或独裁的权力来管理或统治。
supervise: 侧重指运用本身的或被授予的权力来管理、检查工作,含监督意味。
administer: 指官方的或正式的对事务的管理。
direct, conduct, guide, lead, pilot
direct: 指为某人指方向,但自己不一定亲自引路,也可表示指导一群人的事或活动。
conduct: 正式用词,指引导某人去某处,强调亲自带领;也强调监督管理一群有共同目的或目标的人。
guide: 普通用词,可与conduct换用,指引导者与被引导者双方彼此合作,共同努力的关系。
lead: 指走在前面给某人引路或带路,共同去达到某一目标。用于抽象意义时,指在某项活动或运动中起主导和组织作用。
pilot: 从原义“为飞机、轮船导航”借喻为指亲自带领某人去某处。
direct, directly
direct: 指行路中不停步、不绕道、直奔目的地。
directly: 指以一种直接的方式。表示时间的时候,指立刻,不拖延之意。


动词 direct:

  1. command with authority同义词:direct
  2. intend (something) to move towards a certain goal同义词:target, aim, place, direct, point
  3. guide the actors in (plays and films)同义词:direct
  4. be in charge of同义词:direct
  5. take somebody somewhere同义词:lead, take, direct, conduct, guide
  6. cause to go somewhere同义词:send, direct
  7. aim or direct at; as of blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment同义词:aim, take, train, take aim, direct
  8. lead, as in the performance of a composition同义词:conduct, lead, direct
  9. give directions to; point somebody into a certain direction同义词:direct
  10. specifically design a product, event, or activity for a certain public同义词:calculate, aim, direct
  11. direct the course; determine the direction of travelling同义词:steer, maneuver, manoeuver, manoeuvre, direct, point, head, guide, channelize, channelise
  12. put an address on (an envelope)同义词:address, direct
  13. plan and direct (a complex undertaking)同义词:mastermind, engineer, direct, organize, organise, orchestrate

形容词 directing:

  1. showing the way by conducting or leading; imposing direction on同义词:directional, directive, guiding


  1. I prefer to deal with him direct.还是我直接跟他打交道为好
  2. She directed the planning of the festival.她统管节日活动的筹划。
  3. The general directed that the prisoners should be set free.将军下令释放犯人。
  4. He directed the building of the new bridge.他主持修建这座桥的建筑工程。