exercise是什么意思 exercise在线中文翻译



n. 行使, 执行, 运动, 练习, 作业
vt. 运用, 练习, 运动
vi. 练习, 锻炼
【医】 操练, 运动
【经】 行使, 执行(权力等)


动词过去式:exercised 过去分词:exercised 现在分词:exercising 第三人称单数:exercises 形容词:exercisable 


drill, exercise, practice, training, discipline
drill: 侧重进行有系统的,严格和重复的练习。
exercise: 主要指为强壮体魄而进行的锻炼,也可指进行练习以保持已经获得的技巧。
practice: 指把所学的理论或知识用于实践以获得技艺与技巧。
training: 普通用词,泛指为从事某种职业而进行的身体或智力方面的训练。
discipline: 既可指训练又可指为达到某种熟练程度而进行约束。


名词 exercise:

  1. the activity of exerting your muscles in various ways to keep fit同义词:exercising, physical exercise, physical exertion, workout
  2. the act of using同义词:use, usage, utilization, utilisation, employment
  3. systematic training by multiple repetitions同义词:practice, drill, practice session, recitation
  4. a task performed or problem solved in order to develop skill or understanding同义词:example
  5. (usually plural) a ceremony that involves processions and speeches

动词 exercise:

  1. put to use同义词:exert
  2. carry out or practice; as of jobs and professions同义词:practice, practise, do
  3. give a workout to同义词:work, work out
  4. do physical exercise同义词:work out
  5. learn by repetition同义词:drill, practice, practise


  1. If you don't get more exercise, you'll get fat.如果你不多作运动,就会发胖。
  2. What others think exercises a great influence on most of us.别人怎样想对我们多半会产生很大影响。


n.(名词)An act of employing or putting into play; use:运用:应用或运用的行为;使用:例句:the free exercise of intellect; the exercise of an option.智力的自由运用;买卖权的运用
The discharge of a duty, function, or office.履行职责:任务、责任或职责的履行Activity that requires physical or mental exertion, especially when performed to develop or maintain fitness:锻炼身体:为发展或保持身体健康而采取的运用心智或体力的运动:例句:took an hour of vigorous daily exercise at a gym.在健身房进行一小时的日常健身锻炼
A task, problem, or other effort performed to develop or maintain fitness or increase skill:练习,操练:为提高或保持身体健康或增强技巧而完成的任务、难题或其他努力:例句:a piano exercise; a memory exercise.钢琴练习;记忆练习
exercises A program that includes speeches, presentations, and other ceremonial activities performed before an audience: exercises 典礼,仪式:在观众面前表演的包括讲演、发奖和其它仪式性活动的一套程序:例句:graduation exercises.毕业典礼
v.(动词)ex.er.cised,ex.er.cis.ing,ex.er.cis.es v.tr.(及物动词)To put into play or operation; employ:使用;运用:例句:Proceed, but exercise caution.前进,但要小心
To bring to bear; exert:对…施加;发挥:例句:.The desire to be re-elected exercises a strong brake on independent courage.(John F. Kennedy).重新选举的要求给独立的勇气带来了极大的阻碍.(约翰F.肯尼迪)
To subject to practice or exertion in order to train, strengthen, or develop:锻炼:为训练、增强或提高而实践或运用:例句:exercise the back muscles; exercise the memory.锻炼背部肌肉;训练记忆力
To put through exercises:训练:例句:exercise a platoon.See Synonyms at practice 训练一个排参见 practice
To carry out the functions of; execute:执行:实现…的功能;执行:例句:exercise the role of disciplinarian.充当训练者的角色
To absorb the attentions of, especially by worry or anxiety.引起忧虑:吸引…的注意力,特别是因为烦恼和焦虑To stir to anger or alarm; upset:激怒:使愤怒或警觉;使不安:例句:an injustice that exercised the whole community.一项不公正的行为激起了整个社会的愤怒
v.intr.(不及物动词)To take exercise.进行锻炼
来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old French exercice 源自 古法语 exercice from Latin exercitium 源自 拉丁语 exercitium from exercitus [past participle of] exercôre [to exercise] 源自 exercitus [] exercôre的过去分词 [练习] ex- [ex-] ex- [前缀,表.从前的,前任的.] arcôre [to restrain] arcôre [抑制]