n. 结果, 影响, 效果, 印象
vt. 实行, 引起, 完成
【计】 效果
【医】 效应, 作用
【经】 结果, 效果, 效力
be of effect
be of no effect
exert an effect on...
have an effect on...
give effect to...
in effect
take effect
to the effect that...
形容词:effectible 名词:effecter 动词过去式:effected 过去分词:effected 现在分词:effecting 第三人称单数:effects
affect, effect, influence均可表示“影响”。
affect: 动词(及物),主要指一时的影响,着重影响的动作,可指一般意义的影响(不分好坏),也可指不良影响。- to affect a policy is to have an effect on it.
影响一项政策就是对该政策具有一种影响。 - the news did not affect her at all.=the news had no effect on her at all.
effect: 名词(可数或不可数),affect=have an effect on。effect有时虽用作动词(及物),但不表示“影响”,而表示“实现”或“产生”等。- they effected their escape in the middle of the night.
他们半夜逃脱了。 - he effected great changes in the company.
influence: 表示“影响”,主要指对行为、性格、观点等产生间接的或潜移默化的影响。可用作动词(及物)或名词(通常不可数,但有时可连用不定冠词)。- what you read influences your thinking.
你读的东西对你的思想有影响。 - it’s clear that her painting has been influenced by picasso.
她的画显然受了毕加索的影响。 - television has a strong influence on people.
consequence, result, effect, outcome这些名词均含“结果”之意。
consequence: 多指随某一事件引起的,必然或自然的不良结果,不强调直接的因果关系,而侧重事件发展的逻辑关系。
result: 普通用词,含义广泛,侧重因某种原因所产生的最终结果,而不是眼前的结果。
effect: 指因某种原因直接产生的结果,着重持续稳定与其影响。
outcome: 普通用词,多指事物经过一系列发展变化所导致的最终结局,而不是某种原因的直接结果。常可与result通用。
名词 effect:
- a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon同义词:consequence, outcome, result, event, issue, upshot
- an outward appearance同义词:impression
- (of a law) having legal validity同义词:force
- a symptom caused by an illness or a drug
- an impression (especially one that is artificial or contrived)
- the central meaning or theme of a speech or literary work同义词:essence, burden, core, gist
动词 effect:
- produce同义词:effectuate, set up
- act so as to bring into existence
- Some ancient laws are still in effect.有些古时的法律现在仍然有效。
- The room shows off her paintings to good effect.这个房间把她绘画的优点充分显示出来。
- The aspirins soon took effect.服下的阿司匹林药片很快见效了。
- The two systems are, in effect, identical.这两种制度实际上一模一样。
- We've tried our best to effect reconciliation between the two parties.我们已尽了最大努力希望促成双方和解。
- The advertising campaign didn't have much effect on sales.这些广告攻势对销售额并没有起到多大作用。
- A new system of taxation will be brought into effect next year.新的税收制度将于明年实行。
n.(名词)Something brought about by a cause or an agent; a result.结果:由某种原因或行为而产生的事;结果The power to produce an outcome or achieve a result; influence:影响,效用:能引起某种结果的力量;影响:例句:The drug had an immediate effect on the pain. The government`s action had no effect on the trade imbalance.这药对止痛能立刻生效。政府的行为对商业不均衡毫无作用
A scientific law, hypothesis, or phenomenon:假设,现象:科技规律、假设或现象:例句:the photovoltaic effect.电光效应
Advantage; avail:利益;效益:例句:used her words to great effect in influencing the jury.她的话有易于影响陪审团
The condition of being in full force or execution:实施,实行:生效或实施的状况:例句:a new regulation that goes into effect tomorrow.新法规明日生效
Something that produces a specific impression or supports a general design or intention:感受,效果:产生特殊印象或为产生或支持总设计的东西:例句:The lighting effects emphasized the harsh atmosphere of the drama.灯光效果强调出这出戏残酷无情的气氛
A particular impression:特殊印象:例句:large windows that gave an effect of spaciousness.大窗户给人一种空旷感
Production of a desired impression:印象:一定印象的产物:例句:spent lavishly on dinner just for effect.晚餐吃得很奢侈浪费只是为了面子上好看
The basic or general meaning; import:主旨:主旨大意;要点:例句:He said he was greatly worried, or words to that effect.他说他非常担忧,或大致是这个意思
effects Movable belongings; goods. effects 动产:可移动的财产;货物v.tr.(及物动词)ef.fect.ed,ef.fect.ing,ef.fects To bring into existence.使存在To produce as a result.实现:产生一种结果To bring about.See Usage Note at affect 产生参见 affect
<习惯用语>in effect
In essence; to all purposes:实质上;本质上:例句:testimony that in effect contradicted her earlier statement.证词实际上与她以前的话相反
习惯用语>来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old French 源自 古法语 from Latin effectus [past participle of] efficere [to accomplish] 源自 拉丁语 effectus [] efficere的过去分词 [实现] ex- [ex-] ex- [前缀,表.前.] facere [to make] * see dhô- facere [做] *参见 dhô-
adj.(形容词)<参考词汇><同义词>effect,consequence,result,outcome,upshot,sequel同义词>These nouns denote something, such as an occurrence, a situation, or a condition, that is brought about by a cause.Aneffect is produced by the action of an agent or a cause and follows it in time: 这些名词表示由某种原因引起的事物,如事件、情况或条件等。effect 是由行为者的行为或原因产生并随后产生的: 例句:.Every cause produces more than one effect. (Herbert Spencer).Aconsequence also follows a cause and is traceable to it, but the relationship between them is less sharply definable: .每个原因可产生多个结果. (休伯特·斯宾塞)。consequence 也由原因引起并可追溯到该原因, 但两个词间的关系并不能严格界定:
例句:.Servitude is at once the consequence of his crime and the punishment of his guilt. (John P. Curran). Aresult is an effect, or the last in a series of effects, that is viewed as the end product of the operation of the cause: .强制劳动立即成为他犯罪的结果和对其罪行的惩罚. (约翰·P·卡伦)。result 是一种结果,或系列结果中最后一个,被认为是原因作用下产生的最后结果:
例句:.Judging from the results I have seen . . . I cannot say . . . that I agree with you. (William H. Mallock).Anoutcome is a result but more strongly than result implies finality and may suggest the operation of a cause over a relatively long period: .从我看到的后果来看…我不能说…我同意你. (威廉·H·马洛克)。outcome 作为一种结果比 result 要强烈, 表示最终结果或原因作用了较长一段时间以后的结果:
例句:If you had refused, the outcome would probably not have been very different. Anupshot is a decisive result, often of the nature of a climax: 如果你拒绝的话,结局也许也不会有什么不同。 upshot 是一种决定性结果,常用于形容高潮:
例句:.The upshot of the matter . . . was that she showed both of them the door. (Robert Louis Stevenson).Asequel is a consequence that ensues after a lapse of time: .事情的结局…是她把两人都赶出了门. (罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森)。sequel 是一种在一段时间之后再产生的结果:
例句:.Our dreams are the sequel of our waking knowledge. (Ralph Waldo Emerson).See also Synonyms at perform .我们的梦想是我们清醒时意识的继续. (拉尔夫·瓦尔多·爱默生)参见同义词 perform