extend是什么意思 extend在线中文翻译



vt. 扩充, 延伸, 伸展, 扩大
vi. 扩充, 延伸, 伸展, 扩大
【计】 扩展
【化】 伸长
【医】 伸展, 伸, 扩展, 蔓延(指病变)
【经】 继续
extend warm greeting to...
extend help to sb
extend an invitation to sb


名词:extendibility 动词过去式:extended 过去分词:extended 现在分词:extending 第三人称单数:extends 形容词:extendable 


动词 extend:

  1. extend in scope or range or area同义词:widen, broaden
  2. stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain point同义词:run, go, pass, lead
  3. span an interval of distance, space or time同义词:cover, continue
  4. make available; provide同义词:offer
  5. thrust or extend out同义词:exsert, stretch out, put out, hold out, stretch forth
  6. reach outward in space同义词:poke out, reach out
  7. offer verbally同义词:offer
  8. extend one's limbs or muscles, or the entire body同义词:stretch
  9. expand the influence of同义词:expand
  10. lengthen in time; cause to be or last longer同义词:prolong, protract, draw out
  11. extend or stretch out to a greater or the full length同义词:unfold, stretch, stretch out
  12. cause to move at full gallop同义词:gallop
  13. open or straighten out; unbend
  14. use to the utmost; exert vigorously or to full capacity同义词:strain
  15. prolong the time allowed for payment of
  16. continue or extend同义词:carry
  17. increase in quantity or bulk by adding a cheaper substance同义词:stretch


  1. My garden extends as far as the river.我的花园一直伸展到河边。
  2. The hot weather extended into October.炎热天气一直持续到十月。


v.(动词)ex.tend.ed,ex.tend.ing,ex.tends v.tr.(及物动词)To open or straighten (something) out; unbend:伸出,拉开:张开或把(某物)拉开;伸直:例句:extended the legs of the folding table.打开折叠桌的桌腿
To stretch or spread (something) out to greater or fullest length:延伸:伸长或扩展(某物)到较大程度或最大长度:例句:extended the radio antenna.把收音机的天线拉到最长
To exert (oneself) vigorously or to full capacity:充分发挥,尽力:精力充沛地发挥(自己的)能力或充分发挥自己的能力:例句:Few mountain climbers have extended themselves as those two have.很少登山运动员能象那两个人那样充分发挥自己的能力
To cause to move at full gallop. Used of a horse.竭尽全力:使奋力奔驰。用于指马
To increase in quantity or bulk by adding a cheaper substance:搀杂,增加数量:通过加上一种较便宜的物质来增加数量或体积:例句:used rice or pasta to extend leftover casseroles.用米饭或面食来增加剩下的食物
To adulterate.掺杂
To enlarge the area, scope, or range of.扩大:扩大面积、范围或区域To expand the influence of.扩大…的影响To make more comprehensive or inclusive.See Synonyms at increase 扩充,充实:使更广泛或包含内容更多的参见 increase
To offer:奉献:例句:extend one`s greetings.奉上个人的祝福
To make available; provide:可用;提供:例句:extend credit to qualified purchasers.为符合资格的客户提供信用贷款
To cause (something) to be or last longer:延长:使(某物)处于或持续更长:例句:extended our visit by a day.把我们的拜访再延长一天
To prolong the time allowed for payment of:拖欠,宽延:延长对…的付款所允许的时间:例句:extend a loan for three more months.宽延三个多月的贷款
Chiefly British 【多用于英国】 To appraise or assess; value.鉴定或估价;评价To seize or make a levy on for the purpose of settling a debt.征税:为解决债务而制定的征收额v.intr.(不及物动词)To be or become long, large, or comprehensive:扩大:使变得长、大或广泛:例句:influence that extended to other continents; table legs that extend by unscrewing.扩大到其它各洲的影响;松开螺丝,桌脚即可伸长
来源:Middle English extenden 中古英语 extenden from Old French extendre 源自 古法语 extendre from Latin extendere 源自 拉丁语 extendere ex- [ex-] ex- [前缀,表.…之外.] tendere [to stretch] * see ten- tendere [伸] *参见 ten-
n.(名词)extend.able 或