ever是什么意思 ever在线中文翻译



ad. 曾经, 究竟, 永远
ever so
ever such
for ever and ever
ever and again
ever since


副词 ever:

  1. at any time同义词:of all time
  2. at all times; all the time and on every occasion同义词:always, e'er
  3. (intensifier for adjectives) very同义词:ever so


  1. He hated her more than ever, when he got that letter.他接到那封信后,比以往任何时候都更加憎恨她。
  2. That was a fine meal if ever there was one!那确实是一顿丰盛的饭。
  3. Despite the good weather forecast, the next morning was as wet as ever.尽管预报称天气很好,但次日上午仍阴雨绵绵。
  4. I wondered if he'd ever stopped to think how I felt.我不知道他是否曾考虑过我的感受。
  5. What ever are you doing?你究竟在干什么?
  6. Have you ever been to Paris?你去过巴黎吗?


adv.(副词)At all times; always:一直:在所有时间;总是:例句:ever hoping to strike it rich.一直希望发财
At any time:曾经:在某一时间:例句:Have you ever been to Europeô你曾经去过欧洲吗ô
In any way; at all:以任何方式;到底:例句:How did they ever manageôSee Usage Note at rarely 他们到底是怎么处理的ô参见 rarely
To a great extent or degree. Used for emphasis often withso : 在很大程度上,用于强调,常于so 连用: 例句:He was ever so sorry. Was she ever mad!他很抱歉。她非常疯狂!
<习惯用语>ever and again 或
ever and anon
Now and then; occasionally.不时地,时常地;偶尔地for ever and a day
Always; forever.一直;永远习惯用语>来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old English ôfre * see aiw- 源自 古英语 ôfre *参见 aiw-