ecstasy是什么意思 ecstasy在线中文翻译



n. 狂喜, 心醉神迷, 忘形
【医】 入迷




名词 ecstasy:

  1. a state of being carried away by overwhelming emotion- Charles Dickens同义词:rapture, transport, exaltation, raptus
  2. a state of elated bliss同义词:rapture
  3. street names for methylenedioxymethamphetamine同义词:Adam, XTC, go, disco biscuit, cristal, X, hug drug


  1. The first waterfall they passed threw her into ecstasy.他们经过的第一道瀑布使她高兴极了。
  2. Speech or vocal sounds produced in a state of religious ecstasy.口才在宗教狂热的状态下说的话或发出的声音
  3. He listened to the music with ecstasy.他听音乐听得入神。
  4. We were in ecstasy at the thought of going home.一想到回家,我们就兴奋不已。

n.(名词)【复数】 ec.sta.sies Intense joy or delight.狂喜:极度喜悦或欢乐A state of emotion so intense that one is carried beyond rational thought and self-control:无法自控的情绪:由于感情极度强烈而使人失去理智而难以自控的状态:例句:an ecstasy of rage.狂怒不能自己
The trance, frenzy, or rapture associated with mystic or prophetic exaltation.出神,昏厥:与由神秘的或预言性的兴奋有关的昏厥、发狂和出神
来源:Middle English extasie 中古英语 extasie from Old French 源自 古法语 from Late Latin extasis [terror] 源自 后期拉丁语 extasis [恐怖] from Greek ekstasis [astonishment, distraction] 源自 希腊语 ekstasis [惊诧,走神] from existanai [to displace, derange] 源自 existanai [放置不当,发狂] ex- [out of] * see exo- ex- [出离] *参见 exo-histanai [to place] * see st3- histanai [放置] *参见 st3-
<参考词汇><同义词>ecstasy,rapture,transport,exaltation同义词>These nouns all refer to a state of elated bliss.In its original senseecstasy denoted a trancelike condition marked by loss of orientation toward rational experience and by concentration on a single emotion; now it usually means intense delight: 这些名词都表示高度喜悦的状态。ecstasy 的原意是一种近似昏厥的状态,特点是丧失理智而沉浸于某种单一的情感之中; 现在它的意思通常是狂喜: 例句:.To burn always with this hard, gemlike flame, to maintain this ecstasy, is success in life. (Walter Pater)..总是燃着这样强烈的玉石一般的火焰,总保持这种极度的喜悦便是生活中的成功. (沃尔特·佩特尔)。
Rapture originally meant a being caught up in an emotional state,typically involuntary and uncontrollable.In current usagerapture, like ecstasy, simply means great joy: Rapture 原指情绪的高涨状态,常为不自觉和不可自控的。现在的rapture 用法与 ecstasy 近似,只指极度的喜悦: 例句:.Oliver would sit . . . listening to the sweet music, in a perfect rapture. (Charles Dickens)..奥列佛坐着倾听那甜美的音乐,心情极为欢喜. (查尔斯·狄更斯)。
Transport is the state of being carried away by strong emotion: Transport 指的是被强烈的情感左右的状态: 例句:.Surprised by joy—impatient as the Wind/I turned to share the transport. (William Wordsworth). .我的心随之欢腾、惊喜,象风一样迫不及待. (威廉·华兹华斯)。
Exaltation is a feeling or condition of elevated, often excessively passionate emotion: Exaltation 指一种感觉或情绪状态,常指过分热烈的情感: 例句:.There are men in the world who derive as stern an exaltation from the proximity of disaster and ruin, as others from success. (Winston S. Churchill)..世上的人,一些因濒临灾难和毁灭而感到异常激动,另一些人则因成功而感到同样兴奋. (温斯顿·S·丘吉尔)