n. 消失, 消灭, 废止
【化】 消光; 熄灭
【医】 消退
名词 extinction:
- no longer in existence同义词:defunctness
- no longer active; extinguished
- the reduction of the intensity of radiation as a consequence of absorption and radiation
- complete annihilation同义词:extermination
- a conditioning process in which the reinforcer is removed and a conditioned response becomes independent of the conditioned stimulus同义词:experimental extinction
- the act of extinguishing; causing to stop burning同义词:extinguishing, quenching
- The race was threatened with extinction.这个种族这时眼看要灭绝了。
- His movie of the extinction of dinosaurs was a great success.他的关于恐龙灭绝的电影取得了巨大的成功。
- Is the human race threatened with complete extinction?人类是否会受到完全灭绝的威胁呢?
The act of extinguishing.灭绝:灭绝的行为The condition of being extinguished.被灭绝的条件The fact of being extinct or the process of becoming extinct:灭绝:灭绝的事实或变绝种的经过:例句:.The most effective agent in the extinction of species is the pressure of other species.(
Alfred R. Wallace).在种的灭绝中最有影响的力量是其它种的压力.(
Psychology A reduction or a loss in the strength or rate of a conditioned response when the unconditioned stimulus or reinforcement is withheld.
【心理学】 条件反射减弱:当非条件的刺激或强化停止时,条件反应的速度或力度的减少或丧失
Physiology A gradual decrease in the excitability of a nerve to a previously adequate stimulus, usually resulting in total loss of excitability.
【生理学】 衰竭:神经对足够的刺激所产生的兴奋的逐渐减少,常导致兴奋的完全丧失