excluding是什么意思 excluding在线中文翻译



prep. 把...排除在外, 不包括..., 不计...


动词 exclude:

  1. prevent from being included or considered or accepted同义词:exclude, except, leave out, leave off, omit, take out
  2. prevent from entering; shut out同义词:exclude, keep out, shut out, shut
  3. lack or fail to include同义词:exclude
  4. prevent from entering; keep out同义词:bar, debar, exclude
  5. put out or expel from a place同义词:expel, eject, chuck out, exclude, throw out, kick out, turf out, boot out, turn out


  1. Any one of various liquids for drinking, usually excluding water.饮料任一种饮用的液体,通常不包括水在内
  2. The town proper, excluding the suburbs.严格意义上的城市不包括郊区
  3. The periodic state of sexual excitement in the female of most mammals, excluding human beings, that immediately precedes ovulation and during which the female is most receptive to mating; heat.(雌性动物的)动情,动情周期大多数哺乳动物(包括人类)的雌性产生的周期性的性冲动,在此期间内雌性具有排卵的优势,所以该期间最适合性交; 刺激
  4. The act of banishing or excluding.流放放逐或流放的行为