finally是什么意思 finally在线中文翻译



ad. 最后, 终于


at last, at length, eventually, finally, in the end, lastly
at last: 多指经主观努力,克服各种困难后才终于达到目的。
at length: 强调经历一段长时间后终于完成,侧重在时间部分。
eventually: 侧重于动作或行为的结果。
finally: 常与at last换用,都可用于对往事的描述,但finally不带感情色彩,指一系列事情的最后结局。
in the end: 与at last同义,但in the end不仅可指“过去”还可表示对“未来”的预计。
lastly: 指连续顺序的最后,通常用在列举事情的场合。


副词 finally:

  1. after a long period of time or an especially long delay同义词:eventually, at length
  2. the item at the end同义词:last, lastly, in conclusion
  3. as the end result of a succession or process同义词:ultimately, in the end, at last, at long last


  1. Finally the team from Argentina won the championship.最后,这支来自阿根廷的队伍夺得了冠军。
  2. The patient finally died from cancer.那位病人最终死于癌症。
  3. Finally, they arrived at an agreement.他们最后终于达成了协议。
  4. After several delays, he finally set out at 8 o'clock.几经耽搁,他终于在八点钟出发了。
  5. It's not finally settled yet.这件事还没有最终决定。