fine是什么意思 fine在线中文翻译



n. 罚款, 罚金, 晴天, 精细
a. 好的, 晴朗的, 健康的, 细小的, 精细的
vt. 罚款, 精炼, 澄清
vi. 变清, 变细
ad. 很好
【计】 精细
【经】 罚金, 罚款, 处罚
in fine


形容词比较级:finer 最高级:finest 名词:fineness 动词过去式:fined 过去分词:fined 现在分词:fining 第三人称单数:fines 形容词:finable 


beautiful, fair, handsome, lovely, pretty, fine
beautiful: 普通用词,含义广泛,语气最强,指优美和谐,是一种几乎接近完美的美。指人时通常形容女人或小孩,很少用于描写男子。
fair: 正式用词,多用于文学中,形容女子和儿童,侧重外表的美。
handsome: 多用于描写男性的英俊潇洒。有时也形容女人,指其五官端正,体态秀丽。
lovely: 普通用词,描写人时,主要指女人和小孩的相貌,语气不如beautiful强。
pretty: 普通用词,语气比beautiful弱,多用于描写妇女、儿童以及小巧玲珑,精美可爱之物。
fine: 指在容貌、身材或风度等方面令人感到可爱。用于事物时,强调形式或内容的优美。
delicate, fine, subtle
delicate: 侧重指需要谨慎处理和对待。
fine: 隐含“不易察觉的”意味。
subtle: 侧重有洞察、领悟事物细微差别以及微妙关系的能力。


名词 fine:

  1. money extracted as a penalty同义词:mulct, amercement

动词 fine:

  1. issue a ticket or a fine to as a penalty同义词:ticket

形容词 fine:

  1. being satisfactory or in satisfactory condition同义词:all right, o.k., ok, okay, hunky-dory
  2. minutely precise especially in differences in meaning
  3. of textures that are smooth to the touch or substances consisting of relatively small particles
  4. thin in thickness or diameter
  5. characterized by elegance or refinement or accomplishment
  6. free from impurities; having a high or specified degree of purity

副词 fine:

  1. an expression of agreement normally occurring at the beginning of a sentence同义词:very well, alright, all right, OK
  2. in a delicate manner同义词:finely, delicately, exquisitely


  1. It poured all morning, but turned fine later.下了一上午的瓢泼大雨,後来才转晴。
  2. That suits me fine.这对我很合适。
  3. Please cut up the vegetables very fine.请把蔬菜切成碎末。
  4. Have you handed in your fine?你交了罚款了吗?
  5. He was fined 200 dollars.他被罚款200美元。
  6. He is a very fine musician.他是个卓越的音乐家。


adj.(形容词),fin.est Of superior quality, skill, or appearance:上等的,好的,美丽的:具有优等质量、技术或形象的:例句:a fine day; a fine writer.天气好的天;出色的作家
Very small in size, weight, or thickness:纤细的,细致的:尺寸、重量和厚度都很小的:例句:fine type; fine paper.小型;薄纸
Free from impurities.纯粹的:无杂质的Abbr. f.,F.Metallurgy Containing pure metal in a specified proportion or amount:缩写 f.,F.【冶金学】 含…纯度的:在特定的比例或量上包含纯金属的:例句:gold 2 carats fine.2克拉纯金
Very sharp; keen:非常锋利的;锐利的:例句:a blade with a fine edge.有锋利边沿的刀锋
Thin; slender:细的;纤细的:例句:fine hairs.纤细的发丝
Exhibiting careful and delicate artistry:精巧的:展现精心、精美的工艺的:例句:fine china.See Synonyms at delicate 精美的瓷器参见 delicate
Consisting of very small particles; not coarse:细微的,微粒的:包含非常小的粒子的;不粗糙的:例句:fine dust.微尘
Subtle or precise:微细的,精确的:例句:a fine difference.细微差别
Able to make or detect effects of great subtlety or precision; sensitive:敏锐的:能够找到或探明很细微之别或精确度的;敏感的:例句:has a fine eye for color.对颜色有敏锐的眼光
Trained to the highest degree of physical efficiency:训练有术的:为达到身体效率的极限而进行的训练的:例句:a fine racehorse.经过极强训练的赛马
Characterized by refinement or elegance.优雅的,精致的:具有景致或高雅的特征的Being in a state of satisfactory health; quite well:良好的:处于令人满意的健康状态的;十分好的:例句:I`m fine. And youô我很好,您呢ô
Used as an intensive:用作加强语意的:例句:a fine mess.十分乱
adv.(副词)Finely.精美地,纤细地Informal Very well:【非正式用语】 很好:例句:doing fine.干得很出色及物动词和不及物动词)fined,,fines To make or become finer, purer, or cleaner.精制,使精细,使更纯:使成为或变得更好、更纯或更洁净
来源:Middle English fin 中古英语 fin from Old French 源自 古法语 from Latin fonis [end] 源自 拉丁语 fonis [结束]
fine 2
n.(名词)A sum of money required to be paid as a penalty for an offense.罚款,罚金:作为违法惩罚而支付的一笔款项Law 【法律】 A forfeiture or penalty to be paid to the offended party in a civil action.赔偿:民事诉讼中付给受害一方的罚金或罚款An amicable settlement of a suit over land ownership.调和:在土地所有权方面诉讼的友好解决方式Obsolete An end; a termination.【废语】 结束;终点及物动词)fined,,fines To require the payment of a fine from; impose a fine on.从…获得罚金;罚款
<习惯用语>in fine
In conclusion; finally.结论;最后In summation; in brief.总之;总而言之习惯用语>来源:Middle English fin 中古英语 fin from Old French [settlement, compensation] 源自 古法语 [解决,赔偿] from Medieval Latin fonis 源自 中世纪拉丁语 fonis from Latin fonis [end] 源自 拉丁语 fonis [结束]
【引伸】 或
fine 3
n.Music (名词)【音乐】 The end.末尾
来源:Italian 意大利语 from Latin fonis [end] 源自 拉丁语 fonis [中止,结束]