few是什么意思 few在线中文翻译



a. 很少的, 不多的, 少数的
n. 少数
few and far between
a few


名词:fewness 形容词比较级:fewer 最高级:fewest 


little, few, several
little: 只修饰不可数名词,含否定意义。
few: 只修饰可数名词的复数形式,侧重指数量非常少,给人一种模糊概念,含否定意义。
several: 修饰可数名词的复数形式,指至少有3个,但不会超过5、6个。


名词 few:

  1. an indefinite but relatively small number
  2. a small elite group

形容词 few:

  1. a quantifier that can be used with count nouns and is often preceded by `a'; a small but indefinite number


  1. It took us only a few minutes to get through the Customs.我们的海关检查只花了几分钟时间。
  2. My time is precious; I can only give you a few minutes.我的时间很宝贵,我只能见你几分钟。
  3. Tornadoes are violent whirlwinds which vary in their width from a few yards to 1300 feet.龙卷风是一种猛烈的旋风,其直径从几码到1300 英尺。
  4. The sunny intervals we were promised have been few and far between.我们原可望能有几阵晴天,结果却很稀少。
  5. We saw few students there.我们在那儿几乎没看见学生。
  6. Few of us have his address.我们中几乎没有人知道他的地址。


adj.(形容词)few.er,few.est Amounting to or consisting of a small number:少数的,几个的:相当于或包括很少量的:例句:one of my few bad habits.我少数坏习惯中的一个
Being more than one but indefinitely small in number:很少的,一些的:多于一个但不确定的很小数量:例句:bowled a few strings.玩了几场保龄球
n.(used with a pl. verb)(名词)(与复数动词连用)An indefinitely small number of persons or things:不确定的少量的人或事物:例句:A few of the books have torn jackets.少数的书的封皮破了
An exclusive or limited number:除外的或有限的数量:例句:the discerning few; the fortunate few.眼光敏锐的少数人;少数幸运的人
pron.(used with a pl. verb)(代词)(与复数动词连用)A small number of persons or things:少数的人或事物:例句:.For many are called, but few are chosen.(Matthew 22:4).被召的人多,选上的人少.(马太福音22:4)
来源:Middle English fewe 中古英语 fewe from Old English awe * see pau- 源自 古英语 awe *参见 pau-
n.(名词)The traditional rule holds thatfewer is used with expressions denoting things that can be counted ( 传统的规则认为fewer 与可数的指示事物的词语连用( 例句:fewer than four players), 少于四个选手),
whileless is used with mass terms denoting things of measurable extent ( 而less 与很多可测量范围的指示事物的词条连用( 例句:less paper;更少的纸张;
例句:less than a gallon of paint). 少于一加仑的涂料)。
However,less is idiomatic in certain constructions wherefewer would occur according to the traditional rule. Less than is used before a plural noun that denotes a measure of time, amount, or distance: 然而less 在一定的句法结构中具有成语性质, 而其中fewer 以传统的规则出现。 Less than 用在表示一定时间、数量或距离尺度的复数名词前: 例句:less than three weeks;少于三周;
例句:less than $400;少于400美元;
例句:less than 50 miles.Less 少于50英里。Less
is sometimes used with plural nouns in the expressionsno less than (as in No less than 30 of his colleagues signed the letter ) andor less (as in Give your reasons in 25 words or less ). 有时在no less than 中与复数名词连用(象在 他的同事中不少于三十位在那封信上署了名 ), 以及or less (象在 用不多于二十五个单词来讲述你的理由