ad. 第一, 首先
副词 firstly:
- before anything else同义词:first, foremost, first of all, first off
- If we are going to dance, some of you can give me a hand to clear the decks. Let's firstly shove the things out of the centre of the room.如果我们要跳舞的话,你们可以帮我准备一下。让我们先把房子中间的东西推到一边去。
- The illness can develop in two ways: firstly, in cases of high blood pressure and secondly ...这种病有两种情况: 第一,由高血压引起; 第二 ...
adv.(副词)In the first place; to begin with.第一;首先
There is ample reputable precedent for using both
first and
firstly to begin an enumeration: 有许多规范的先例同时使用
first 和
firstly 来开始列举: 例句:Our objectives are, first (or
firstly ),
to recover from last year`s slump. Our 0bjectives are, first(或
firstly ),
to recover from last year`s slump Whichever is chosen, however, consistency is best served if any succeeding items are introduced by a parallel form,as in
first . . . second . . . third or
firstly . . . secondly . . . thirdly. 不管选用了哪个词,如果后面还有并列列举的条目,要符合一致性原则,例如
first…second…third 或者用