flourish是什么意思 flourish在线中文翻译



vi. 繁荣, 茂盛, 活跃, 手舞足蹈
vt. 挥舞, 夸耀
n. 挥舞, 炫耀, 茂盛, 兴旺, 华丽词藻


名词:flourisher 动词过去式:flourished 过去分词:flourished 现在分词:flourishing 第三人称单数:flourishes 


名词 flourish:

  1. a showy gesture
  2. an ornamental embellishment in writing
  3. a display of ornamental speech or language
  4. the act of waving同义词:brandish
  5. (music) a short lively tune played on brass instruments同义词:fanfare, tucket

动词 flourish:

  1. grow stronger同义词:boom, prosper, thrive, get ahead, expand
  2. gain in wealth同义词:thrive, prosper, fly high
  3. move or swing back and forth同义词:brandish, wave


  1. A flourish of trumpets marked the Queen's arrival.小号奏出嘹亮的乐曲欢迎女王驾到。
  2. There were two or three palm trees flourishing in the promenade garden.街心花园里有两三棵枝繁叶茂的棕榈树。
  3. The doctor showed us about his hospital with much flourish.这位医生颇为炫耀地带着我们参观了他的医院。
  4. She rushed in flourishing a document.她急匆匆地走了进来,手里挥舞着一份文件。


v.(动词)flour.ished,flour.ish.ing,flour.ish.es v.intr.(不及物动词)To grow well or luxuriantly; thrive:茂盛,繁盛:生长得好或繁茂;茂盛:例句:The crops flourished in the rich bottomland.作物在肥沃的河岸低地生长繁茂
To do or fare well; prosper:繁荣:实行或进展得好;繁荣:例句:.No village on the railroad failed to flourish.(John Kenneth Galbraith).凡是沿铁路的村庄都很繁荣.(约翰·肯尼思·加尔布雷斯)
To be in a period of highest productivity, excellence, or influence:活跃,蓬勃:处于最多产、最优秀或最有影响的时期:例句:an anonymous poet who flourished in the tenth century; painted when Impressionism was flourishing.一位活跃在0世纪的无名诗人;在印象主义最蓬勃的时期作画
To make bold, sweeping movements:挥舞:做出勇敢的、横扫一切的动作:例句:The banner flourished in the wind.旗帜在空中飞舞
v.tr.(及物动词)To wield, wave, or exhibit dramatically.挥舞,舞动:引人注目地挥舞、摇曳或展现n.(名词)A dramatic or stylish movement, as of waving or brandishing:挥舞,挥动:一个富有戏剧性的或潇洒的动作,如摇曳或挥舞:例句:.A few . . . musicians embellish their performance with a flourish of the fingers.(Frederick D. Bennett).一些…音乐家用花俏的弹指动作来装饰他们的演奏.(弗雷德里克D.贝内特)
An embellishment or ornamentation:花样,华丽的辞藻:装饰品或修饰物:例句:signed her name with a distinctive flourish; a long speech with many rhetorical flourishes.她用惹眼的花体字签名;一段充满华丽辞藻的讲话
An ostentatious act or gesture:夸张的行为或手势:例句:a flourish of generosity.故作慷慨
Music A showy or ceremonious passage, such as a fanfare.【音乐】 装饰乐句,花式吹奏:一段炫耀或讲究仪式的音乐,例如小号曲
来源:Middle English florishen 中古英语 florishen from Old French florir floriss- 源自 古法语 florir floriss- from Vulgar Latin *flôrore 源自 俗拉丁语 *flôrore from Latin flôrôre 源自 拉丁语 flôrôre from flôs flôr- [flower] * see bhel- 3源自 flôs flôr- [花] *参见 bhel- 3
n.(名词)<参考词汇><同义词>flourish,brandish,wave同义词>The central meaning shared by these verbs is .to swing back and forth boldly and dramatically.: 这些动词所共有的中心意思是.大胆而有戏剧性的前后摆动.: 例句:flourished her newly signed contract;兴高采烈地摇晃着她刚签的合同;
例句:brandish a sword;挥动长剑;
例句:waving a baton. 挥舞着警棍