fill是什么意思 fill在线中文翻译



vt. 装满, 填充, 弥漫, 供给, 满足, 供应
vi. 充满, 变得沉重
n. 满足, 装满, 充分, 填方
vt. 填充
vi. 填充
【计】 填充
fill sth out
fill sb in on
fill up
fill in for...
have one's fill of...
fill sth in


动词过去式:filled 过去分词:filled 现在分词:filling 第三人称单数:fills 


名词 fill:

  1. a quantity sufficient to satisfy
  2. any material that fills a space or container同义词:filling

动词 fill:

  1. make full, also in a metaphorical sense同义词:fill up, make full
  2. become full同义词:fill up
  3. occupy the whole of同义词:occupy
  4. assume, as of positions or roles同义词:take
  5. fill or meet a want or need同义词:meet, satisfy, fulfill, fulfil
  6. appoint someone to (a position or a job)
  7. eat until one is sated同义词:fill up
  8. fill to satisfaction同义词:satiate, sate, replete
  9. plug with a substance


  1. The hall soon filled(with people).大厅里不久就坐满了人。
  2. Can you fill me in on what has been happening?你能把发生的事情原原本本地告诉我吗?
  3. Please fill the cup with water.请把这个杯子装满水,
  4. Laughter filled the room.房间里充满了笑声。


To put into as much as can be held:填满:按可容纳量尽可能多的装入:例句:fill a glass with milk.倒满一玻璃杯的牛奶
To supply to the fullest extent:充满:按最大限度供给:例句:fill a concert hall.挤满了音乐厅
To build up the level of (low-lying land) with material such as earth or gravel.填满:用例如土或砂石等材料加高(低地的)水平To stop or plug up (an opening, for example).塞住:停止或阻塞(比如一个开端)To repair a cavity of (a tooth).填补(牙的)洞To add a foreign substance to (cloth or wood, for example).填加:给(例如布或木头)增加另外的物质
To satiate, as with food and drink.吃饱喝足:如用食物和饮料使饱To satisfy or meet; fulfill:满足,迎合:使满意或使满足;履行:例句:fill the requirements.See Synonyms at satisfy 满足需求参见 satisfy
To complete (something) by insertion or addition:填入:通过插入或填加的方式完成(某事):例句:fill in the blanks.填空
To supply with material, such as writing, an inscription, or an illustration:补满:提供或补充材料,例如写作、描述或例证:例句:filled the blank spaces on the page with notes.在书页空白处写满了注释
To supply as required:充分满足:例句:fill a prescription; fill an order.依处方供药;供应订货
To place a person in:任职:将某人安置于某职务:例句:fill a job vacancy.填补工作的空缺
To possess and discharge the duties of; hold:担任:负有或执行…的责任;履行:例句:fill a post.履行工作义务
To occupy the whole of; pervade:充满,弥漫:全部占满;充满:例句:Music filled the room.音乐充满了屋子
To spread throughout:传遍:例句:Fear filled the city.恐惧遍及全城
To engage or occupy completely; make full:充满:全部吸引或占据;使充满:例句:filled the child`s mind with strange ideas; a story that filled our hearts with joy.使孩子的头脑中充满了古怪的想法;一则使我们心里充满了喜悦的故事
To cover the surface of (an inexpensive metal) with a layer of precious metal, such as gold.镀:用贵重金属层例如金等覆盖(非贵金属的)表面Nautical 【航海】 To cause (a sail) to swell.张满(帆):使(船帆)鼓胀To adjust (a yard) so that wind will cause a sail to swell.张帆:调整(帆桁)使风可以充满帆v.intr.(不及物动词)To become full.变满n.(名词)An amount needed to make full, complete, or satisfied:充足:使充满、完成或满足所需要的量:例句:eat one`s fill.尽量吃
Material for filling a container, cavity, or passage.装填物:用来填满容器、洞或通道的物质
A built-up piece of land; an embankment.路堤:一块加高的土地;堤坝The material, such as earth or gravel, used for fill.筑堤用的材料:例如土或砂石,用来填充的物质
<常用词组>fill in
Informal To provide with information that is essential or newly acquired:【非正式用语】 提供消息:提供必需的或最近获得的消息:例句:I wasn`t there—would you fill me inô我不在那里——你能告诉我那的消息吗
To act as a substitute; stand in:暂代:担任替补;临时替补:例句:an understudy who filled in at the last minute.在最后一分钟才临时替补的演员
fill out
To complete (a form, for example) by providing required information:填写:通过提供所需的信息使(例如形式)而完成:例句:carefully filled out the job application.仔细填写工作申请
To become or make more fleshy:长胖:变得或使变得更胖:例句:He filled out after age 35.35岁之后他变胖了
常用词组><习惯用语>fill (someone`s) shoes
To assume someone`s position or duties.取代某人的职位或责任fill the bill【非正式用语】
To serve a particular purpose.满足特定目的习惯用语>来源:Middle English fillen 中古英语 fillen from Old English fyllan * see pel…- 源自 古英语 fyllan *参见 pel…-