foster是什么意思 foster在线中文翻译



a. 收养的, 养育的
vt. 养育, 抚育, 培养, 鼓励, 抱(希望)
【法】 养育, 抚养


动词过去式:fostered 过去分词:fostered 现在分词:fostering 第三人称单数:fosters 


nurse, tend, foster, cultivate, cherish
nurse: 通常指对无力自顾的婴儿、病人等进行照料或护理。
tend: 指出于责任心、博爱心而不是私人感情去对人或物进行照顾。
foster: 指对孩子的关心、鼓励、供养及抚养其成长;也指鼓励、促进事物的增长与发展。
cultivate: 具体意义指耕耘、培育植物;抽象意义指培养兴趣或向往的理想事物。
cherish: 强调抚育或爱抚。


名词 foster:

  1. United States songwriter whose songs embody the sentiment of the South before the American Civil War (1826-1864)同义词:Stephen Foster, Stephen Collins Foster

动词 foster:

  1. promote the growth of同义词:further
  2. bring up under fosterage; of children
  3. help develop, help grow同义词:nurture

形容词 foster:

  1. providing or receiving nurture or parental care though not related by blood or legal ties同义词:surrogate


  1. Mr Foster is sorry that he cannot accept your invitation to dinner.福斯特先生不能接受你的宴请,深表歉意。
  2. Detect and foster artistic talent.发展并培养艺术才能
  3. The mother tried to foster her son's interest in music.母亲设法培养儿子对音乐的兴趣。


fos.ter及物动词)fos.tered,,fos.ters To bring up; nurture:养育;抚养:例句:bear and foster offspring.See Synonyms at nurture 生养和抚养后代参见 nurture
To promote the growth and development of; cultivate:促进,培养:促进生长、发展等;培养:例句:detect and foster artistic talent.See Synonyms at advance 发展并培养艺术才能参见 advance
To nurse; cherish:抱有;怀有:例句:foster a secret hope.抱着秘密的希望
adj.(形容词)Providing parental care and nurture to children not related through legal or blood ties:收养的:对在法律和血缘上没有关系的孩子提供父母般照料的:例句:foster parents; foster grandparents; a foster home.养父母;寄养的祖父母;寄养的家庭
Receiving parental care and nurture from those not related to one through legal or blood ties:被收养的:从和自己没有法律或血缘关系的人那里接受父母般照料的:例句:foster children.收养的孩子
来源:Middle English fostren 中古英语 fostren from Old English *fôstrian [to nourish] 源自 古英语 *fôstrian [养育,怀有(希望,仇恨等)] from stor [food, nourishing] * see p3- 源自 stor [食物,富有营养的] *参见 p3-