forceful是什么意思 forceful在线中文翻译



a. 有力的, 强烈的, 有说服力的


名词:forcefulness 副词:forcefully 


形容词 forceful:

  1. characterized by or full of force or strength (often but not necessarily physical)
  2. forceful and definite in expression or action同义词:emphatic


  1. The dramatist cut out a couple of scenes in his script to make the play more compact and forceful.那个剧作家删掉了原稿中的两场,使剧本更加紧凑,更加有力。
  2. His forceful argument soon made the opposing speaker step down.他有力的论点很快就使对方的发言者认输了。
  3. A forceful shove or push.猛推有力的推或挤
  4. His forceful arguments reduced his opponents to silence.他那有力的论点驳得对手哑口无言。


adj.(形容词)Characterized by or full of force; effective.强有力的:以力量为特征的或充满力量的;有效的
n.(名词)Forceful, forcible, and forced have distinct, though related meanings. Forceful is used to describe someone or something that possesses or is filled with strength or force: Forceful,forcibleforced 虽然相互关联但具有不同的意义。 Forceful 用来表示具有或充满了力量的某人或某物: 例句:a forceful speaker;有说服力的演说者;
例句:a forceful personality.Forceful measures 坚强的个性。Forceful measures
may or may not involve the use of actual physical force.Forcible, by contrast, is most often used of actions accomplished by the application of physical force: 可能或可能不涉及到具体的物质力量的使用。相反,forcible 最常用来指由体能的应用而完成的动作: 例句:There had been a forcible entry.强行进入。
例句:The police had to use forcible restraint in order to arrest the suspect.为了逮捕嫌疑犯警察不得不使用强制手段。
Forcedis used to describe an act or a condition brought about by control or an outside influence: Forced用来表示由强制或外界影响而产生的行为或状态: 例句:a forced smile;勉强一笑;
例句:a forced landing;被迫着陆;
例句:forced labor. 被迫的劳动力