fret是什么意思 fret在线中文翻译



n. 烦躁, 磨损, 焦急, 网状饰物
vi. 烦恼, 不满, 磨损
vt. 使烦恼, 腐蚀, 使磨损, 使起波纹
in a fret


动词过去式:fretted 过去分词:fretted 现在分词:fretting 第三人称单数:frets 


worry, brood, care, fret
worry: 普通用词,着重使人焦虑、烦恼或深深不安。
brood: 语气比worry强,多指沉思、沮丧或忧郁。
care: 多指极强烈的关心和忧虑。常带纯客观的意味。
fret: 通常指因悲哀、焦虑或忧愁等所困扰的心理状态。


名词 fret:

  1. agitation resulting from active worry同义词:stew, sweat, lather, swither
  2. a spot that has been worn away by abrasion or erosion同义词:worn spot
  3. an ornamental pattern consisting of repeated vertical and horizontal lines (often in relief)同义词:Greek fret, Greek key, key pattern
  4. a small bar of metal across the fingerboard of a musical instrument; when the string is stopped by a finger at the metal bar it will produce a note of the desired pitch

动词 fret:

  1. worry unnecessarily or excessively同义词:fuss, niggle
  2. be agitated or irritated
  3. provide (a musical instrument) with frets
  4. become or make sore by or as if by rubbing同义词:chafe, gall
  5. cause annoyance in
  6. gnaw into; make resentful or angry同义词:eat into, rankle, grate
  7. carve a pattern into
  8. decorate with an interlaced design
  9. be too tight; rub or press同义词:choke, gag
  10. cause friction同义词:rub, fray, chafe, scratch
  11. remove soil or rock同义词:erode, eat away
  12. wear away or erode同义词:eat away


  1. Don't fret, we'll get there on time.别著急,我们能准时到那里。
  2. Fretting about it won't help.发愁於事无补。
  3. Babies often fret (themselves) when their mothers are not near.婴儿常常因母亲不在身边而哭闹。
  4. You are fretting yourself needlessly.你是在不必要地折磨自己。


v.(动词)fret.ted,fret.ting,frets及物动词)To cause to be uneasy; vex:烦扰:使不舒服;恼怒:例句:.fret thy soul with crosses and with cares.(Edmund Spenser).用欺骗和忧虑来烦扰你的灵魂.(埃德蒙·斯潘塞)
To gnaw or wear away; erode.啮蚀,腐蚀:啮蚀或磨损;腐蚀To produce a hole or worn spot in; corrode.See Synonyms at chafe 侵蚀:弄出洞或穿出斑点;侵蚀参见 chafeTo form (a passage or channel) by erosion.侵蚀成(通路或沟槽)To disturb the surface of (water or a stream); agitate.搅乱(水或河流的)表面;搅动v.intr.(不及物动词)To be vexed or troubled; worry.See Synonyms at brood 被激怒或烦扰;担心参见 broodTo be worn or eaten away; become corroded.被啮蚀或磨损;使被腐蚀To move agitatedly.愤怒的移动To gnaw with the teeth in the manner of a rodent.嚼咬:象啮齿类动物那样用牙齿啮蚀n.(名词)The act or an instance of fretting.烦躁:烦恼的行为或事例A hole or worn spot made by abrasion or erosion.侵蚀处:由于侵蚀或磨擦形成的洞或破处Irritation of mind; agitation.恼怒;激怒
来源:Middle English freten 中古英语 freten from Old English fretan [to devour] * see ed- 源自 古英语 fretan [狼吞虎咽地吃] *参见 ed-

fret 2
n.(名词)One of several ridges set across the fingerboard of a stringed instrument, such as a guitar.音品:安在某些弦乐器如吉他弹拨处的一个或多个隆起物及物动词)fret.ted,fret.ting,frets To provide with frets.装音柱To press (the strings of an instrument) against the frets.把(琴弦)压在音品或音柱上
来源:[Origin unknown] [起源不详]

fret 3
n.(名词)An ornamental design consisting of repeated and symmetrical figures, often in relief, contained within a band or border.回纹饰:一种带有重复性的、对称性图案的装饰性设计,常见于浮雕中的条饰或边沿A headdress, worn by women of the Middle Ages, consisting of interlaced wire.网状头饰:一种中世纪妇女常戴头饰,由镶嵌线组成及物动词)fret.ted,fret.ting,frets To provide with such a design or headdress.使用这种图案或头饰
来源:Middle English [interlaced work] 中古英语 [组合的东西] from Old French frete 源自 古法语 frete