froze是什么意思 froze在线中文翻译





动词 freeze:

  1. change to ice同义词:freeze
  2. stop moving or become immobilized同义词:freeze, stop dead
  3. be cold同义词:freeze
  4. cause to freeze同义词:freeze
  5. stop a process or a habit by imposing a freeze on it同义词:freeze, suspend
  6. be very cold, below the freezing point同义词:freeze
  7. change from a liquid to a solid when cold同义词:freeze, freeze out, freeze down
  8. prohibit the conversion or use of (assets)同义词:freeze, block, immobilize, immobilise
  9. anesthetize by cold同义词:freeze
  10. suddenly behave coldly and formally同义词:freeze


  1. Our (water) pipes froze (up) (ie were blocked with ice) last winter.去年冬天,我们的(水)管子冻了。
  2. The sudden bang froze us in our tracks.突然砰的一响,顿时把我们惊呆了。
  3. The severe cold froze the pond.天气寒冷池塘结了冰。
  4. Ann froze with terror as the door opened silently.门一声不响地开了,把安吓呆了。
  5. Two men froze to death/were frozen to death on the mountain.有两个人在山上冻死了。
  6. We ate some of the fruits and froze the rest.我们吃了一些水果,把剩下的冷藏起来。
  7. The thief froze when he heard the footsteps approaching.小偷听到走近的脚步声,吓得呆住了。


v.(动词)Past tense of freeze freeze的过去式