founder是什么意思 founder在线中文翻译



n. 创立者, 建立者
vt. 使沉没, 使摔倒, 弄跛, 浸水, 破坏
vi. 沉没, 摔到, 变跛, 倒塌, 失败
【机】 铸工


动词过去式:foundered 过去分词:foundered 现在分词:foundering 第三人称单数:founders 


名词 founder:

  1. inflammation of the laminated tissue that attaches the hoof to the foot of a horse同义词:laminitis
  2. a person who founds or establishes some institution同义词:beginner, founding father, father
  3. a worker who makes metal castings

动词 founder:

  1. fail utterly; collapse同义词:fall through, fall flat, flop
  2. sink below the surface
  3. break down, literally or metaphorically同义词:collapse, fall in, cave in, give, give way, break
  4. stumble and nearly fall

形容词 found:

  1. come upon unexpectedly or after searching同义词:found


  1. According to the old legend, Romulus was the founder of Rome.按照古老的传说,罗穆卢斯是古罗马的建国者。
  2. Jesus was the founder of the Christian religion.耶稣是基督教的创始人。
  3. Who is the founder of the scientific socialism?谁是科学社会主义的奠基人?
  4. He is the founder of the party.他是该党的创建者。


v.(动词)foun.dered,,foun.ders v.intr.(不及物动词)To sink below the water:沉没:沉到水下:例句:The ship struck a reef and foundered.船触礁沉没了
To cave in; sink:塌陷;沉没:例句:The platform swayed and then foundered.月台晃动着塌陷了
To fail utterly; collapse:崩溃;倒塌:例句:a marriage that soon foundered.一场很快破裂的婚姻
To stumble, especially to stumble and go lame. Used of horses.摔倒:跌倒,尤指绊倒并跌跛。常用于指马To become ill from overeating. Used of livestock.因过食而得病。用于家畜To be afflicted wtih laminitis. Used of horses.患蹄叶炎。用于指马及物动词)To cause to founder.使沉没n.(名词)See laminitis 参见 laminitis
来源:Middle English foundren [to sink to the ground] 中古英语 foundren [昏倒在地] from Old French fondrer 源自 古法语 fondrer from Vulgar Latin *funder3re 源自 俗拉丁语 *funder3re from *fundus .funder- [bottom] 源自 *fundus ·funder- [底部] from Latin fundus fund- 源自 拉丁语 fundus fund-
The verbsfounder and flounder are often confused. Founder comes from a Latin word meaning .bottom. (as infoundation ) and originally referred to knocking enemies down;it is now used as well to mean .to fail utterly, collapse.. Flounder means .to move clumsily, thrash about,.and hence .to proceed in confusion..If John isfoundering in Chemistry , he had better drop the course; if he isfloundering, he may yet pull through. 动词founderflounder 常被混淆。 Founder 从拉丁语演变而来, 意为.底部.(如在foundation 中), 原指将敌人打倒在地;现在亦指.完全失败,崩溃.。 Flounder 指.挣扎,踉跄.,并由此引申出.在困惑中进行.的意思。如果说约翰在化学中失败, 他最好放弃这门功课; 如果他正在挣扎中, 他可能还能通过这门课

founder 2
n.(名词)One who establishes something or formulates the basis for something:奠基者,创建者,缔造者:创立,建立或为…打基础的人:例句:the founder of a university; the founders of a new nation.一所大学的创办人;一个新民族的奠基人