fawn是什么意思 fawn在线中文翻译



n. 小鹿
vi. 摇尾乞怜, 奉承


副词:fawningly 名词:fawner 动词过去式:fawned 过去分词:fawned 现在分词:fawning 第三人称单数:fawns 


名词 fawn:

  1. a color or pigment varying around a light grey-brown color同义词:dun, greyish brown, grayish brown
  2. young deer

动词 fawn:

  1. show submission or fear同义词:crawl, creep, cringe, cower, grovel
  2. try to gain favor by cringing or flattering同义词:toady, truckle, bootlick, kowtow, kotow, suck up
  3. have fawns


  1. Flattering or fawning attention; homage.赞美,奉承奉承或逢迎的态度; 尊敬
  2. Many distant relatives fawned on the rich old man.许多的远亲都来巴结这位有钱的老人。
  3. A fawn behind the tree looked at us curiously.树后面一只小鹿好奇地看着我们。
  4. The puppy was fawning on its master.小狗朝着主人摇尾乞怜。


v.intr.(不及物动词)fawned,fawn.ing,fawns To exhibit affection or attempt to please, as a dog does by wagging its tail, whining, or cringing.摇尾乞怜:狗摇尾巴、哀鸣、卑躬屈膝,表示喜爱或试图讨好To seek favor or attention by flattery and obsequious behavior.阿谀奉承:用拍马屁和谄媚的态度来取悦,引起注意
来源:Middle English faunen 中古英语 faunen from Old English fagnian [to rejoice] 源自 古英语 fagnian [高兴] from fagen, fôgen [glad] 源自 fagen, fôgen [高兴]
adv.(副词)<参考词汇><同义词>fawn,apple-polish,bootlick,kowtow,slaver,toady,truckle同义词>The central meaning shared by these verbs is .to curry favor by behaving obsequiously and submissively.: 这些动词共有的主要意思是.用谄媚、恭顺的方法拍马屁.: 例句:fawned on her superior;拍她上司的马屁;
例句:students apple-polishing the teacher;对老师卑躬屈膝的学生;
例句:bootlicked to get a promotion;阿谀奉承以得到晋升;
例句:lawyers kowtowing to a judge;讨好法官的律师们;
例句:slavered over his rich uncle;奉承他有钱的叔叔;
例句:toadying to members of the occupation force;向占领军摇尾乞怜;
例句:nobles truckling to the king. 拍皇帝马屁的贵族们 ---------------另--------------fawn
fawn 2
n.(名词)A young deer, especially one less than a year old.幼鹿:小鹿,尤指未满一岁的Color A grayish yellow brown to light grayish or moderate reddish brown.【色彩】 浅黄褐色:发灰的黄褐色,有点浅灰或些微的红褐
来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old French foun, faon, feon [young animal] 源自 古法语 foun, faon, feon [幼小动物] from Vulgar Latin *fôtô .fôtôn- 源自 俗拉丁语 *fôtô ·fôtôn- from Latin tus [offspring] * see dhô(i)- 源自 拉丁语 tus [后代] *参见 dhô(i)-