fanatic是什么意思 fanatic在线中文翻译



n. 狂热者, 盲信
a. 狂热的, 盲信的


名词 fanatic:

  1. a person motivated by irrational enthusiasm (as for a cause)--Winston Churchill同义词:fiend

形容词 fanatic:

  1. marked by excessive enthusiasm for and intense devotion to a cause or idea同义词:fanatical, overzealous, rabid


  1. Stanley is our resident crossword fanatic.斯坦利是我们中间的填纵横字谜的游戏迷。
  2. A zealot; a fanatic.狂热者; 盲信者
  3. She's fanatic about pop music.她对流行音乐很狂热。
  4. We call him a politics fanatic.我们叫他政治狂。


n.(名词)A person marked or motivated by an extreme, unreasoning enthusiasm, as for a cause.极端的狂热者:表现为过分的、不合理的热情者,或有此动机的人,如为某一目标adj.(形容词)Fanatical.着魔的
来源:Latin f3n3ticus [inspired by orgiastic rites, pertaining to a temple] 拉丁语 f3n3ticus [被狂热支配的,属于神殿的] from f3num [temple] * see dhôs- 源自 f3num [庙] *参见 dhôs-
<参考词汇><同义词>fanatic,zealot,enthusiast同义词>These nouns denote persons who are ardently and usually excessively devoted to a particular cause, subject, or activity.这些名词都表示对某事或活动表现出着迷或疯狂的人。 Fanatic implies the pursuit of a given interest to inordinate and even irrational lengths, often to the exclusion of all other interests: Fanatic 指倾注过分兴趣甚至缺乏理智的追求,且通常排除其它的兴趣: 例句:.A fanatic is one who can`t change his mind and won`t change the subject. (Winston S. Churchill). Azealot is immoderately devoted to a cause or goal and seeks to advance it with passionate fervor: .一个专心致志的人不会改变决心,也不会改变自己的追求. (温斯顿S·丘吉尔)。Zealot 指对事业或目标有献身精神的人,为促进事业而积极活动的人:
例句:.those furious zealots who blow the bellows of faction until the whole furnace of politics is red-hot. (Washington Irving)..那狂热分子散播小派别的嚣张气焰直至整个政治白热化. (华盛顿·欧文)。
Enthusiast can denote a religious zealot holding visionary opinions: Enthusiast 强调对宗教的狂热并持幻想态度: 例句:.It is unfortunate, considering that enthusiasm moves the world, that so few enthusiasts can be trusted to speak the truth. (A.J. Balfour).More commonly, however, it merely implies strong interest in something, such as a hobby, and lacks the unfavorable connotations of the other terms: .不幸的是,宗教狂热驱动着世界,几乎没有哪一个狂热分子会坚持真理. (A.J鲍尔弗)。然而更为普通的,它仅指对某事有强烈兴趣的人,比如某一爱好,不像其它词那样具有不好的含义:
例句:a hockey enthusiast. 曲棍球热衷者