forfeit是什么意思 forfeit在线中文翻译



n. 没收物, 罚金, 丧失
vt. 没收, 丧失
a. 丧失了的
【经】 罚金, 被没收


名词:forfeiter 动词过去式:forfeited 过去分词:forfeited 现在分词:forfeiting 第三人称单数:forfeits 形容词:forfeitable 


名词 forfeit:

  1. something that is lost or surrendered as a penalty;同义词:forfeiture
  2. a penalty for a fault or mistake that involves losing or giving up something同义词:forfeiture
  3. the act of losing or surrendering something as a penalty for a mistake or fault or failure to perform etc.同义词:forfeiture, sacrifice

动词 forfeit:

  1. lose or lose the right to by some error, offense, or crime同义词:give up, throw overboard, waive, forgo

形容词 forfeit:

  1. surrendered as a penalty同义词:confiscate, forfeited


  1. All goods may be forfeit to the State in time of war.战时所有的货物都可能被国家徵用。
  2. The couple forfeited their independence in order to help those less fortunate.这对夫妇把富裕出的钱都拿出来帮助那些受难的人。
  3. He forfeited his health due to years of hard work.多年艰苦的劳动使他丧失了健康。
  4. Some scientists who have studied dangerous substances have paid the forfeit of their lives in the cause of knowledge.许多研究危险物质的科学家,在追求知识中付出了生命的代价。
  5. If you don't return the article to the shop within a week, you forfeit your chance of getting your money back.如果你不把物品归还商店,你就丧失了取回钱的机会。
  6. If man put his country in danger by helping the enemy, his life and possessions were forfeit to the crown.任何人如帮助敌人危害本国,他的生命财产便被国家没收。
  7. He who murders pays the forfeit of his life.杀人者偿命。


n.(名词)Something surrendered or subject to surrender as punishment for a crime, an offense, an error, or a breach of contract.丧失的东西,没收的物品:因犯罪、犯法、犯错或违约而丧失或被没收的物品Games 【游戏】 Something placed in escrow and then redeemed after payment of a fine.罚物游戏的抵押物:写于契据之上在付清罚金之后赎回的物品forfeits A game in which forfeits are demanded. forfeits 罚物游戏:一种游戏,必须有惩罚物A forfeiture.罚金adj.(形容词)Lost or subject to loss through forfeiture.丧失的,没收的:丢失的或因没收而损失的及物动词)for.feit.ed,,for.feits To surrender, be deprived of, or give up the right to on account of a crime, an offense, an error, or a breach of contract.丧失,失去:因犯罪、犯法、犯错或违约而丧失、被没收或被剥夺权利To subject to seizure as a forfeit.没收:作为惩罚而没收
来源:Middle English forfet [crime, penalty] 中古英语 forfet [犯罪,刑罚] from Old French forfait [past participle of] forfaire [to commit a crime, act outside the law] 源自 古法语 forfait [] forfaire的过去分词 [犯罪,违法] fors [beyond] from Latin foros [outside] * see dhwer- fors [超越] 源自 拉丁语 foros [在…外] *参见 dhwer- faire [to do] from Latin facere * see dhô- faire [做] 源自 拉丁语 facere *参见 dhô-