n. 化石, 古物
a. 化石的, 陈腐的, 守旧的
【医】 化石
名词 fossil:
- someone whose style is out of fashion同义词:dodo, fogy, fogey
- the remains (or an impression) of a plant or animal that existed in a past geological age and that has been excavated from the soil
形容词 fossil:
- characteristic of a fossil
- Coal is a fossil fuel.煤是一种矿物燃料。
- He found a piece of fossil of an ancient bird.他发现一块古代鸟类的化石。
n.(名词)A remnant or trace of an organism of a past geologic age, such as a skeleton or leaf imprint, embedded and preserved in the earth`s crust.化石:埋置并保存于地层中的古生物遗体、遗物和其生活遗址,如骨骸、叶子的印痕等One, such as a rigid theory, that is outdated or antiquated.过时的或废弃的事物,如僵化的理论
Linguistics 【语言学】 A word or morpheme that is used only in certain restricted contexts, as
kempt in
unkempt, but is otherwise obsolete. 旧词:只用于某种限定的上下文中的词或语素,如
kempt in
unkempt 。在别处已废弃不用 An archaic syntactic rule or pattern used only in idioms, as
so be it. 古语法:一种只用于习语中的古体句法规则和句型,如
so be it adj.(形容词)Characteristic of or having the nature of a fossil.化石性的:化石性的,有化石特性的Being or similar to a fossil.类似化石的:化石的,类似化石的Belonging to the past; antiquated.过时的,陈旧的:属于过去的;废弃的
来源:From Latin
fossilis [dug up] 源自 拉丁语
fossilis [掘起,挖出] from
fossus [past participle of] fodere [to dig] 源自
fossus [] fodere的过去分词 [挖,掘(土)]