graphic是什么意思 graphic在线中文翻译



a. 生动的, 轮廓分明的, 绘画似的, 图解的
【计】 图形的
【医】 绘图的, 记录的


名词:graphicness 副词:graphically 


名词 graphic:

  1. an image that is generated by a computer同义词:computer graphic

形容词 graphic:

  1. written or drawn or engraved同义词:graphical, in writing
  2. describing nudity or sexual activity in graphic detail
  3. of or relating to the graphic arts- British Book News
  4. relating to or presented by a graph同义词:graphical
  5. evoking lifelike images within the mind同义词:lifelike, pictorial, vivid


  1. The pictorial representation and manipulation of data, as used in computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacture, in typesetting and the graphic arts, and in educational and recreational programs.图形,制图数据的图形显示和操作,如用于计算机辅助设计和计算机辅助制造、排字、版画作品、和教育及娱乐程序
  2. An output unit that directly produces a hard copy record of data on a removable medium, in the form of a two-dimensional graphic representation.一种输出设备,将数据以二维图形表示方式直接在可移动的介质上产生硬拷贝记录。
  3. The graphic arts include calligraphy and lithography.平面造型艺术包括书法和平版印刷术。
  4. The newspaper article gave a graphic description of the earthquake.报纸文章生动地描述了地震的情况。


adj.also (形容词) 也作 graphical
Of or relating to written representation.写的,书写的:书写表达或与之相关的Of or relating to pictorial representation.图形的:图形表达或与之相关的Of, relating to, or represented by or as if by a graph.用图表示的:用或类似于用图表表达的或与其相关的
Described in vivid detail.生动细致地描写的Clearly outlined or set forth.清晰地描绘或表达的Of or relating to the graphic arts.绘画艺术的:属于或关于版画艺术的Of or relating to graphics.绘图学的:属于或关于绘图学的Geology Having crystals resembling printed characters.【地质学】 文象的:具有象印刷字符那样的清彻透明的东西的n.(名词)A work of graphic art.版画艺术作品A pictorial device used for illustration, as in a lecture.图:一种用于说明的图示手段,如在讲座中用的A graphic display generated by a computer or an imaging device.电脑绘图:电脑或图象设备生成的图形式样
来源:Latin graphicus 拉丁语 graphicus from Greek graphikos 源自 希腊语 graphikos from graphô [writing] 源自 graphô [写] from graphein [to write] * see gerbh- 源自 graphein [写] *参见 gerbh-
n.(名词)<参考词汇><同义词>graphic,lifelike,realistic,vivid同义词>The central meaning shared by these adjectives is .strikingly sharp and accurate.: 这些形容词共有的中心意义是.极其清楚和准确的.: 例句:a graphic account of the battle;战斗的生动描述;
例句:a lifelike portrait;栩栩如生的肖像;
例句:a realistic description;真实的描述;
例句:a vivid recollection of the accident. 事件的清晰的回忆