Georgia是什么意思 Georgia在线中文翻译



n. 乔治亚州


名词 georgia:

  1. a state in southeastern United States; one of the Confederate states during the American Civil War同义词:Empire State of the South, Peach State, GA
  2. one of the British colonies that formed the United States
  3. a republic in Asia Minor on the Black Sea separated from Russia by the Caucasus mountains; formerly an Asian soviet but became independent in 1991同义词:Sakartvelo


  1. Georgia had never in his life so much as handled a gun.乔治亚一生中甚至从未摸过枪。
  2. He was born in Atlanta, Georgia, on January15,1929.他于一九二九年一月十五日出生在乔治亚州的亚特兰大市。


NONE(无词性)An ancient region and kingdom coextensive with the present-day republic of Georgia. It developed as a kingdom c. 4th centuryb.c. and reached the height of its prosperity and cultural flowering in the 2th and 3th centuries. Ruled by both Turkey and Persia at various times, Georgia was acquired by Russia between 80 and 829. The region was briefly independent (98-92). 格鲁吉亚:与今天的格鲁吉亚共存的古老的地区和王国。公元前 公元4世纪发展成为王国并于2和3世纪达到繁荣高峰和文化鼎盛。不同时期曾被土耳其和波斯统治。在80年或829年之间被俄国征服。这一地区曾取得短暂的独立(98-92年) Also Geor.gian Soviet Socialist Republic [-j…n] A constituent republic of southeast European U.S.S.R. in the Caucasus on the Black Sea. Invaded by the Red Army in 92, it was proclaimed a soviet republic and officially joined the U.S.S.R. in 922. It became a separate republic in 93'. The capital is Tbilisi. Population, 5,20,000. 也作 Geor.gian Soviet Socialist Republic [-j…n] 格鲁吉亚共和国:黑海高加索地区的东南欧苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟的一个有制宪权的共和国。92年为苏联红军入侵,922年宣布为苏维埃共和国并正式加入苏联。93'年成为独立的共和国。首都是第比利斯。人口5,20,000Abbr. GA,Ga.A state of the southeast United States. It was admitted as one of the original Thirteen Colonies in 788. Georgia was founded in 732 by a group led by the British philanthropist James Oglethorpe and named for King George II. Atlanta is the capital and the largest city. Population, ',508,49.缩写 GA,Ga.乔治亚州:美国东南的一个州,据认是788年北美最初3个殖民地之一。732年由以英国慈善家詹姆斯·奥格尔索普为首的一群人建立并以乔治二世国王命名它。亚特兰大是它的首府和最大城市。人口',508,49

Georgia,Strait of。NONE(无词性)A channel between Vancouver Island, Canada, and mainland British Columbia and northern Washington State. Part of the Inland Passage to Alaska, the strait links Puget Sound with Queen Charlotte Sound.乔治亚海峡:加拿大温哥华岛及不列颠哥伦比亚省大陆、华盛顿州北部之间一个海峡。作为通往阿拉斯加的内陆通道的一段,该海峡连接了普吉特湾和夏洛特皇后湾