graduated是什么意思 graduated在线中文翻译



a. 毕业了的, 分等级的, 分度的, 刻度的
【医】 有刻度的


动词 graduate:

  1. receive an academic degree upon completion of one's studies同义词:graduate
  2. confer an academic degree upon同义词:graduate
  3. make fine adjustments or divide into marked intervals for optimal measuring同义词:calibrate, graduate, fine-tune

形容词 graduated:

  1. (of taxes) increasing as the amount taxed increases同义词:proportional
  2. marked with or divided into degrees同义词:calibrated
  3. (of taxes) decreasing as the amount taxed increases
  4. taking place by degrees同义词:gradational, gradatory


  1. Several decades have elapsed since I graduated from the college.我大学毕业已数十年了。
  2. He graduated from a school of crafts and arts.他毕业于一所工艺美术学校。
  3. He graduated from Oxford in 1989.他1989年毕业于牛津大学。
  4. The college graduated 50 students from the science department last year.这所学院去年有50名理科毕业生。
  5. I graduated in1932.我是一九三二年毕业的。
  6. A graduated surface or face on which a measurement, such as speed, is indicated by a moving needle or pointer.标度盘有刻度的表面或面,在上面由活动的指针或指示器表示度量衡,比如温度
  7. In a graduated tax scheme the more one earns, the more one pays.按照累进税制,收入多者多纳税。
  8. He said he graduated from Oxford, while in effect, he never went to college.他说他是牛津毕业的,但实际上他从没上过大学。