a. 健康的, 有益健康的, 卫生的
【医】 健康的
名词:healthiness 副词:healthily 形容词比较级:healthier 最高级:healthiest
形容词 healthy:
- having or indicating good health in body or mind; free from infirmity or disease
- financially secure and functioning well
- promoting health; healthful同义词:salubrious, good for you
- physically and mentally sound or healthy同义词:fit
- exercising or showing good judgment同义词:intelligent, levelheaded, level-headed, sound
- Although my uncle is old, he looks very strong and healthy.我的叔叔虽然老了,但他看上去还是很健壮。
- A healthy shoot should form a strong graft.健康的嫩枝可以长成强壮的接穗。
- His inmost thoughts are not healthy.他心灵深处的思想是不健康的。
- His grandpa is healthy.他的祖父身体健康。
health.i.est Possessing good health.健康的:拥有良好健康状况的Conducive to good health; healthful:有益健康的:有助健康的;增进健康的:例句:healthy air.有益健康的空气
Indicative of sound, rational thinking or frame of mind:健全的:显示出健全理性的思索能力或心态的:例句:a healthy attitude.健康的态度
Sizable; considerable:相当大的;很大的:例句:a healthy portion of potatoes; a healthy raise in salary.相当多的土豆;大幅度提高工资
vigorous同义词>These adjectives are compared as they mean being in or indicative of good physical or mental health.这些形容词具有可比性,因为它们都表示处于或表现出良好的生理或心理健康的。
Healthy stresses the absence of disease and often implies energy and strength:
Healthy 强调没有疾病的并通常暗示充满精力或力量的: 例句:a rosy, healthy infant.红润健康的婴儿;
例句:If you exercise regularly and eat properly, you`ll stay fit and healthy.如果你经常锻炼并适当饮食,你会保持健康的。
Sound emphasizes freedom from injury, imperfection, or impairment: Sound 强调不受伤害的、无缺陷的或无损害的: 例句:.You should pray for a sound mind in a sound body. (Juvenal)..你应祈盼在健全的身体里有健全的头脑. (朱维纳尔)。
Wholesome suggests appealing healthiness and well-being:
Wholesome 暗示有吸引力的健康和舒适: 例句:.a broad grin on his ugly wholesome face. (Archibald Marshall). .他丑陋但气色很好的脸上露出灿烂的笑容. (阿尔奇伯德·马歇尔)。
例句:.Exercise develops wholesome appetites. (Louisa May Alcott)..锻炼有助于好胃口. (路易莎·梅·阿尔柯特)。
Hale stresses freedom from infirmity, especially in elderly persons,while
robust emphasizes healthy strength and ruggedness:
Hale 强调老年人不虚弱的,而
robust 则强调健康的力量和粗壮: 例句:.He is pretty well advanced in years, but hale, robust, and florid. (Tobias Smollett)..他年纪虽相当大了但仍很健壮、结实且脸色红润. (托比亚斯·斯摩莱特)。
Well indicates absence of or recovery from sickness:
Well 表示不得病或从病中复原: 例句:Her mother is not a well woman.她母亲身体多病。
Hardy implies robust and sturdy good health: Hardy 意指强壮和坚韧: 例句:hardy mountaineers of Alpine regions.阿尔卑斯地区强健的山地居民。
Vigorous suggests healthy, active energy and strength: Vigorous 强调健康的、积极有活力的和有力量的: 例句:.a vigorous old man, who spent half of his day on horseback. (W.H. Hudson)..一位每日有半天光景呆在马背上的精力充沛的老人. (W·H·哈德逊)
参考词汇>The distinction in meaning between
healthy (.possessing good health.) and
healthful (.conducive to good health.) was ascribed to the two terms only as late as the 880`s. This distinction, though tenaciously supported by some critics,is belied by citational evidence—evidence clearly indicating that
healthy and
healthful have shared the meaning .conducive to good health. since at least the mid-'th century, or for more than 400 years. Use of
healthy in this sense is to be found in the works of a broad group of distinguished speakers and writers of English, with this example being typical:
Healthy (.拥有良好的健康状况.)和
healthful (.有益于健康的.)在意思上的区别直到9世纪80年代才被确定。 虽然有些专家固执地支持这种区别,但它与引文中得出的证据不符——这些证据清楚地表明至少从'世纪中叶或者说四百多年来,
healthy 和
healthful 都有.有益于健康的.这一意义。
Healthy 这一意义从一大群杰出的演讲者和作家的作品中可以找到,在这个意义上的用法以这个例子最具代表性: 例句:.Gardening . . . and working in wood, are fit and healthy recreations for a man of study or business. (John Locke)..从事园艺 . . . 和在树林中劳作对于学习或上班的人来说,是一项适合而健康的消遣. (约翰·洛克)。
Therefore, both
healthy and
healthful are correct in these contexts:
a healthy climate, a healthful climate; a healthful diet, a healthy diet. 所以在这样的语境中,
healthy 和
healthful 都是正确的:
a healthy climate,a healthful climate; a healthful diet,a healthy diet