held是什么意思 held在线中文翻译





动词 hold:

  1. organize or be responsible for同义词:hold, throw, have, make, give
  2. keep in a certain state, position, or activity; e.g., "keep clean"同义词:keep, maintain, hold
  3. have or hold in one's hands or grip同义词:hold, take hold
  4. to close within bounds, limit or hold back from movement同义词:restrain, confine, hold
  5. have rightfully; of rights, titles, and offices同义词:bear, hold
  6. have or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense同义词:have, have got, hold
  7. keep in mind or convey as a conviction or view同义词:deem, hold, view as, take for
  8. contain or hold; have within同义词:hold, bear, carry, contain
  9. lessen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or keep within limits同义词:control, hold in, hold, contain, check, curb, moderate
  10. remain in a certain state, position, or condition同义词:hold
  11. maintain (a theory, thoughts, or feelings)同义词:harbor, harbour, hold, entertain, nurse
  12. assert or affirm同义词:hold
  13. remain committed to同义词:hold
  14. secure and keep for possible future use or application同义词:retain, hold, keep back, hold back
  15. be the physical support of; carry the weight of同义词:hold, support, sustain, hold up
  16. hold the attention of同义词:hold
  17. keep from exhaling or expelling同义词:hold
  18. support or hold in a certain manner同义词:hold, carry, bear
  19. have room for; hold without crowding同义词:accommodate, hold, admit
  20. be capable of holding or containing同义词:contain, take, hold
  21. be valid, applicable, or true同义词:prevail, hold, obtain
  22. take and maintain control over, often by violent means同义词:hold
  23. protect against a challenge or attack同义词:defend, guard, hold
  24. declare to be同义词:declare, adjudge, hold
  25. have as a major characteristic同义词:hold
  26. cause to stop同义词:halt, hold, arrest
  27. bind by an obligation; cause to be indebted同义词:oblige, bind, hold, obligate
  28. cover as for protection against noise or smell同义词:hold
  29. drink alcohol without showing ill effects同义词:carry, hold
  30. be pertinent or relevant or applicable同义词:apply, hold, go for
  31. arrange for and reserve (something for someone else) in advance同义词:reserve, hold, book
  32. resist or confront with resistance同义词:defy, withstand, hold, hold up
  33. keep from departing同义词:hold
  34. stop dealing with同义词:hold
  35. aim, point, or direct同义词:hold
  36. be in accord; be in agreement同义词:agree, hold, concur, concord

形容词 held:

  1. occupied or in the control of; often used in combination


  1. Who previously held the record?这个纪录原先由谁保持?
  2. He was held with his arms pinioned together behind his back.他被捉住反绑着双臂。
  3. He is held in affection.他极为大家所爱戴。
  4. She held her baby tight in her arms.她紧紧地搂着她的孩子。
  5. The city is held by the enemy.这座城市已被敌人占领。
  6. The largest of the Ionian Islands off the western coast of Greece. It was held by the British from1809 to1864.塞弗洛尼亚岛希腊西海岸外爱奥尼亚群岛中最大的一个岛屿。1809年至1864年被英国占领
  7. The twelve presidents who held office from1890 to1963 represented religious denominations as follows: two Methodists, two Presbyterians, two Baptists, one Unitarian, one Dutch Reformed, one Congregationalist, one Quaker, one Episcopalian, and one Roman Catholic.从1890年到1963年任职的十二位总统所属的教派如下:两位卫理公会教徒,两位长老会教徒,两位浸礼会教徒,一位唯一神派教徒,一位荷兰新教徒,一位公理会教徒,一位公谊会教徒,一位圣公会教徒,一位罗马天主教徒。
  8. From Nov.21 to Nov.30, University Student Original Drama Competition, a new cultural festival, was held in some universities and colleges in Beijing.大学校园新的文化节日——大学校园原创风大赛于2000年11月21日到30日在首都各大院校举行。


v.(动词)Past tense and past participle of hold hold的过去式和过去分词