n. 悬挂, 诀窍, 意义
vt. 悬挂, 附着, 装饰, 垂下, 踌躇, 绞死, 使悬而未决
vi. 悬着, 垂下, 被绞死, 悬而不决
【法】 使不能作出决定, 搁置, 悬而不决
hang on
hang on sb's arm
hang one on
hang on to
hang onto sth
hang out
hang over
hang up
go hang
let things go hang
hang about
hang about sth
hang back
hang behind
hang it out
动词过去式:hung 过去分词:hung 现在分词:hanging 第三人称单数:hangs
名词 hang:
- a special way of doing something同义词:bent, knack
- the way a garment hangs
- a gymnastic exercise performed on the rings or horizontal bar or parallel bars when the gymnast's weight is supported by the arms
动词 hang:
- be suspended or hanging
- cause to be hanging or suspended同义词:hang up
- kill by hanging同义词:string up
- let drop or droop
- fall or flow in a certain way同义词:fall, flow
- be menacing, burdensome, or oppressive
- give heed (to)同义词:attend, advert, pay heed, give ear
- be suspended or poised
- hold on tightly or tenaciously同义词:cling
- be exhibited
- prevent from reaching a verdict, of a jury
- decorate or furnish with something suspended
- be placed in position as by a hinge
- place in position as by a hinge so as to allow free movement in one direction
- suspend (meat) in order to get a gamey taste
- Hang it all, they hardly know each other!真见鬼,他们彼此不太认识。
- The rooms were hung with tapestries.这些房间都装饰著挂毯。
- He was hanged for murder.他因犯谋杀罪而被处以绞刑。
- He can go hang for all I care.见他的鬼吧,我才不在乎哩。
- The dog's tongue was hanging out.这条狗把舌头伸在外面。
- He hanged himself in sorrow after his wife died.妻子死后,他因悲伤而自缢。
- You may hang your coat on the hook.你可以把外套挂在钩子上。
hangs v.tr.(及物动词)To fasten from above with no support from below; suspend.悬吊:固定在上面,下面没有支撑;使悬浮To suspend or fasten so as to allow free movement at or about the point of suspension:悬吊,系紧:悬吊或固定使其在、或大约在悬吊点上自由运动:例句:hang a door.吊着一个门
past tense and past participle hanged[h2ngd]
【过去时态与过去分词】 hanged[h2ngd] To execute by suspending by the neck:绞死:在脖颈处悬吊将人处死:例句:They hanged the prisoner at dawn.拂晓时分他们绞死了犯人
Used to express exasperation or disgust:用来表示绝望或厌恶之情:例句:I`ll be hanged! Hang it all!我要完蛋了!真该死!
To fix or attach at an appropriate angle:以适当的角度装上:使固定或连接于恰当的角度:例句:hang a scythe to its handle.给大镰刀装长柄
To alter the hem of (a garment) so as to fall evenly at a specified height.修改衣服边缘:修改(女裙)的下摆以使它最终有一个特定的长度To furnish, decorate, or appoint by suspending objects around or about:悬挂:用悬挂于四周的物体布置、装饰或装备:例句:hang a room with curtains.在房子里装上窗帘
To hold or incline downward; let droop:倾斜向下;低垂:例句:hang one`s head in sorrow.悲痛地低下头
To attach to a wall:贴到墙上:例句:hang wallpaper.糊壁纸
To display, as in a gallery or an office:展示:如在画廊或办公室内办的展览:例句:hung four new paintings in the foyer.在门厅悬挂展览四幅新的绘画作品
Informal To give (a nickname or label) to someone.
【非正式用语】 给某人或某物(绰号或标签)To deadlock (a jury) by failing to render a unanimous verdict.悬宕:使(陪审团)无法做出一致的决定而陷入僵局
Baseball To throw (a pitch) in such a manner as to fail to break.
【棒球】 球失效:以这样的方式投出一球以使其失效v.intr.(不及物动词)To be attached from above with no support from below.悬垂:被固定在上面,下面没有支撑To die as a result of hanging.被吊死To remain suspended or poised over a place or an object; hover:停滞:保持悬浮或悬挂在一处或一个物体之上;盘旋:例句:rain clouds hanging low over the corn fields.雨云低低地悬浮于玉米地的上空
To attach oneself as a dependent or an impediment; cling.附属:把自己作为从属或一个包袱依附于他人;依靠To incline downward; droop.每况愈下;衰颓To depend:依靠:例句:Everything hangs on the committee`s decision.任何事情都取决于委员会的决定
To pay strict attention:全神贯注:例句:a student who hangs on the professor`s every word.全神贯注于教授的每句话的学生
To remain unresolved or uncertain:悬而未决,无法确定:例句:His future hung in the balance.他的未来飘缈不定
To fit the body in loose lines:宽松地设计:宽宽松松穿在身上:例句:a dress that hangs well.一件宽松的衣服
To be on display, as in a gallery.被展示,如在画廊里
Baseball To fail to break or move in the intended way, as a curve ball.
【棒球】 投出的球改变方向:无法破局或以预想方式运动,比如曲线球To be imminent; loom:迫在眉睫;隐现:例句:the threat hanging over us.危险已经迫在眉睫
To be or become burdensome:成为负担:例句:Time hung heavy on my hands.时间成为我的重负
n.(名词)The way in which something hangs.悬挂的状态A downward inclination or slope.倾斜:向下的倾斜或斜坡Particular meaning or significance.意义:特殊的含义或意义
Informal The proper method for doing, using, or handling something:
【非正式用语】 诀窍:做、使用或处理事情时正确的方式:例句:finally got the hang of it.最终找到了它的窍门
A suspension of motion; a slackening.暂停;放松
hang aroundTo spend time idly; loiter.闲荡:悠闲地消磨时间;闲荡To keep company; consort.陪伴:和某人在一起;厮混
hang backTo be averse; hold back.变为不情愿;退缩
hang in 【非正式用语】To persevere:坚持不懈:例句:decided to hang in despite his illness.尽管他有病在身还是决定坚持
hang offTo hold back; be averse.退缩;变为不情愿
hang onTo cling tightly to something.纠缠:紧紧握住某物To continue persistently; persevere.坚持:坚持不放弃;坚持不懈To keep a telephone connection open.打电话时不挂断To wait for a short period of time.稍待:等待一会儿时间
hang out 【俚语】To spend one`s free time in a certain place:消磨时间:在某个固定地方消磨空闲时间:例句:.a group of boys who hung out together around what they called ‘Barry`s Corner’.(
Linda Ellerbee).一群在他们所谓的‘巴雷角’消磨时间的男孩们.(
To pass time idly; loiter:无所事事;闲荡:例句:spent the evening just hanging out.每天晚上只是闲荡
To keep company; date:陪伴;约会:例句:hanging out with a former boyfriend.与以前的一位男朋友约会
hang togetherTo stand united; stick together:团结一致;紧密团结:例句:.We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.(
Benjamin Franklin).我们必须团结一致,不然我们肯定会被个别处以绞刑.(
To constitute a coherent totality:形成有凝聚力的一体:例句:diverse plot lines that did not hang together.不同的剧情线索没有形成一体
hang upTo suspend on a hook or hanger.悬吊:在钩子上或衣架上挂起To replace (a telephone receiver) on its base or cradle.放下听筒:把(电话听筒)放回底座或叉簧上To end a telephone conversation.挂断电话:结束电话交谈To delay or impede; hinder:延迟:推迟或搁置;妨碍:例句:Budget problems hung up the project for months.预算问题使得该工程推迟了几个月
To become halted or snagged:休止:停滞或被阻住:例句:The fishing line hung up on a rock.渔船被一块岩石绊住
Informal To have or cause to have emotional difficulties or inhibitions.
【非正式用语】 抑制,障碍:使引起心理上的困境或抑制常用词组><习惯用语>
give a hang 或care a hangTo be concerned or anxious:关心或焦虑:例句:I don`t give a hang what you do.我不在乎你干什么
hang a left【非正式用语】To make a left turn, as in an automobile.(在一辆汽车上)向左转
hang a right【非正式用语】To make a right turn, as in an automobile.(在一辆汽车上)向右转
hang fireTo delay:拖延:例句:.They are people who hung fire even through the bloody days of the Hungarian Revolution.(
Mark Muro).他们是一些就算在匈牙利革命的日子里也举棋不定的人.(
To be slow in firing, as a gun.枪支的迟缓发射
hang in there【非正式用语】To persevere despite difficulties; persist:坚持:尽管有困难也坚持;坚持不懈:例句:She hung in there despite pressure to resign.她无视让她辞职的压力而坚守在那里
hang it up【非正式用语】To give up; quit.放弃;退出
hang loose【俚语】To stay calm or relaxed.沉着或放松
hang on toTo hold firmly; keep fast:紧紧地握着;抓得很牢:例句:Hang on to your money.抓牢你的钱
hang tough【非正式用语】To remain firmly resolved:保持坚定决心的:例句:.We are going to hang tough on this.(
Donald T. Regan).在这件事情上我们将态度坚决.(
let it all hang out【俚语】To be completely relaxed.完全地放松To be completely candid.绝对地坦率习惯用语>来源:Middle English
hongen 中古英语
hongen from Old English
hangian [to be suspended] 源自 古英语
hangian [被吊起来] and from Old English
hôn [to hang] * see konk- 并源自 古英语
hôn [吊起] *参见 konk-
Hanged, as a past tense and a past participle of
hang, is used in the sense of .to put to death by hanging..In the following example
hung would be unacceptable to a majority of the Usage Panel:
Hanged 这个词作为
hang 这个词的过去时和过去分词, 它的意思是.被绞死.。在下面这个例子中,对绝大多数用法专题使用小组成员来说用
hung 是不合适的,如 例句:Frontier courts hanged many a prisoner after a summary trial. 在立即审判后边界法庭绞死了许多犯人。
In all other senses of the word,
hung is the preferred form as past tense and past participle. 这个词的别的所有意思用
hung 来作过去时或过去分词都是合适的