hammer是什么意思 hammer在线中文翻译



n. 锤, 铁锤, 钉锤
vt. 锤打, 敲打, 钉
vi. 连续锤打
【计】 锤头
【化】 锤; 锻锤
【医】 锤, 锤骨
hammer sth out
between the hammer and the anvil
hammer and tongs
hammer at
hammer out


名词:hammerer 动词过去式:hammered 过去分词:hammered 现在分词:hammering 第三人称单数:hammers 


名词 hammer:

  1. the part of a gunlock that strikes the percussion cap when the trigger is pulled同义词:cock
  2. a hand tool with a heavy rigid head and a handle; used to deliver an impulsive force by striking
  3. the ossicle attached to the eardrum同义词:malleus
  4. a heavy metal sphere attached to a flexible wire; used in the hammer throw
  5. a striker that is covered in felt and that causes the piano strings to vibrate
  6. a power tool for drilling rocks同义词:power hammer
  7. the act of pounding (delivering repeated heavy blows)同义词:pound, hammering, pounding

动词 hammer:

  1. beat with or as if with a hammer
  2. create by hammering同义词:forge


  1. After much discussion the negotiators hammered out a compromise settlement.双方经多次谈判达成一项折衷的解决办法。
  2. The teacher has been trying to hammer in the facts.教师一直设法把这些事实灌输给学生。
  3. The police hammered the door.警察不停地敲门。
  4. He hit the nail into the wall with a hammer.他用一把锤子把钉子打进墙里去。


n.(名词)A hand tool used to exert an impulsive force by striking, consisting of a handle with a perpendicularly attached head made of a relatively heavy, rigid material.锤子:一种通过敲击发出冲击力的工具,包括一个把手和一个与之垂直的由较沉、较重的金属制成的头A tool or device similar in function or action to this striking tool, as:击打工具:一种与这种击打工具功能或作用相似的一种工具或器具,如:The part of a gunlock that hits the primer or firing pin or explodes the percussion cap and causes the gun to fire.击铁,击锤:枪机中用来击发底火或击动撞针以击穿火帽,使得枪炮得以发射的部分Music One of the padded wooden pieces of a piano that strikes the strings.【音乐】 音锤:钢琴中用以敲击琴键的护垫木槌A part of an apparatus that strikes a gong or bell, as in a clock.锣锤,小锤:敲锣或打钟的机械中的一部分,如用于钟表中的Anatomy See malleus 【解剖学】 参见 malleusSports A metal ball weighing ' pounds (7.2 kilograms) and having a long wire or wooden handle by which it is thrown for distance in track-and-field competition.【体育运动】 链球:由重'磅(7.2千克)的金属球和一条长链或木把手组成,人手持链端或把手在田径比赛中将其投远以争高低A small mallet used by auctioneers.拍卖锤:拍卖者所用的小锤v.(动词)ham.mered,ham.mer.ing,ham.mers v.tr.(及物动词)To hit, especially repeatedly, with or as if with a hammer; pound.See Synonyms at beat 锤击,击:敲打,尤指连续地用锤子敲打或好象用锤子敲打;连续猛击参见 beatTo beat into a shape with or as if with a hammer:锤平,推敲:用锤子或好象用锤子打出一个形状来:例句:hammered out the dents in the fender; hammered out a contract acceptable to both sides.把挡板上的凹洞敲平;制定出双方都能接受的合约
To put together, fasten, or seal, particularly with nails, by hammering.锤合,锤紧:用锤子来加固、固定或密封,尤指通过钉子To force upon by constant repetition:通过一直重复进行强调:例句:hammered the information into the students` heads.把这条信息反复向学生们强调
v.intr.(不及物动词)To deal repeated blows with or as if with a hammer; pummel:敲击,打击:用或好象用锤子来反复地敲打;击打,用拳头连续揍:例句:.Wind hammered at us violently in gusts.(Thor Heyerdahl).猛烈的狂风一阵阵地打在我们的身上.(索尔·海尔达尔)
To undergo beating in the manner of a hammer:象锤子似的敲击:例句:My pulse hammered.我的脉博象锤子一样重击着
Informal To keep at something continuously:【非正式用语】 坚持不懈地从事某项工作:例句:hammered away at the problem.坚持不懈地处理着这个问题
<习惯用语>go under the hammer 或
come under the hammer
To be put up for auction.置于拍卖之下习惯用语>来源:Middle English hamer 中古英语 hamer from Old English hamor * see ak- 源自 古英语 hamor *参见 ak-