hat是什么意思 hat在线中文翻译



n. 帽子
vt. 给...戴帽子
at the drop of a hat
old hat
knock into a cocked hat
pass round the hat
send round the hat
talk through one's hat
under one's hat
hat in hand


动词过去式:hatted 过去分词:hatted 现在分词:hatting 第三人称单数:hats 


cap, hat
cap: 指无边的便帽,表示职业的帽子,如运动帽、军帽等。
hat: 指有边的帽子,尤指礼帽。


名词 hat:

  1. headdress that protects the head from bad weather; has shaped crown and usually a brim同义词:chapeau, lid
  2. an informal term for a person's role

动词 hat:

  1. put on or wear a hat
  2. furnish with a hat


  1. The man wears an odd felt hat.那人戴着一顶古怪的毡帽。
  2. He took off the hat and revealed his bald head.他脱下帽子,露出秃头。
  3. He always wears a panama hat.他总戴着一顶巴拿马草帽。
  4. The magician conjured a rabbit out of his hat.魔术师从他的帽子里变出一只兔子。
  5. She is wearing a pert little hat.她头戴一顶小巧别致的帽子。
  6. Prizes went to the first three out of the hat.奖品为随意挑选出来的前三人所得。
  7. She bought a hat yesterday.她昨天买了一顶帽子。


n.(名词)A covering for the head, especially one with a shaped crown and brim.帽子:特指具有特定造型的顶和沿的头上的覆盖物
A head covering of distinctive color and shape worn as a symbol of office.区别职务的帽子:表明特定职位的有特定颜色或形状的帽子The office symbolized by the wearing of such a head covering.职务,职位:由带这种帽子所象征的职位A role or an office symbolized by or as if by the wearing of different head coverings:角色,身份:由不同帽子的配戴所代表的角色或职权:例句:wears two hats—one as parent and one as corporate executive.双重身份--既是父母又是法人代表
v.tr.(及物动词)hat.ted,hat.ting,hats To supply or cover with a hat.提供帽子或用帽子覆盖
<习惯用语>at the drop of a hat
At the slightest pretext or provocation.以很小的事为借口或因很小的事而激怒hat in hand
In a humble manner; humbly.卑躬屈膝地;谦恭的pass the hat
To take up a collection of money.募捐:进行钱的募集take (one`s) hat off to
To respect, admire, or congratulate.向某人表示赞赏、钦佩或祝贺talk through (one`s) hat
To talk nonsense.胡说八道To bluff.虚张声势throw (one`s) hat into the ring 或
toss (one`s) hat into the ring
To enter a political race as a candidate for office.参加竞选:作为职位的候选人参加政治竞赛under (one`s) hat
As a secret or in confidence:秘密的:作为秘密或私房话的:例句:Keep this information under your hat.对这条消息加以保密
习惯用语>来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old English hôt, hôtt 源自 古英语 hôt, hôtt