n. 毒芹属植物, 铁杉
【医】 毒茴类毒草(如毒茴、毒芹), 铁杉属植物, 铁杉
名词 hemlock:
- poisonous drug derived from an Eurasian plant of the genus Conium
- large branching biennial herb native to Eurasia and Africa and adventive in North America having large fernlike leaves and white flowers; usually found in damp habitats; all parts extremely poisonous同义词:poison hemlock, poison parsley, California fern, Nebraska fern, winter fern, Conium maculatum
- soft coarse splintery wood of a hemlock tree especially the western hemlock
- an evergreen tree同义词:hemlock tree
- The man was poisoned with hemlock.这个人被用从毒芹提取的毒药毒死了。
Any of various coniferous evergreen trees of the genus
Tsuga of North America and eastern Asia, having small cones and short, flat leaves with two white bands underneath. 铁杉属树木:北美及东亚
铁杉 属中松柏科常青树的一种,有小的孢子叶球及短而平的叶子,叶下有两条白色的条纹 The wood of such trees, used as a source of lumber, wood pulp, and tannic acid.铁杉,铁杉木:这些树的木料,用作木材、木浆及丹宁酸的原料
Any of several poisonous plants of the genera
Conium and
Cicuta, such as the poison hemlock. 毒芹属植物:几种
毒芹 属及
铁杉 属植物中有毒植物的一种,如毒芹 A poison obtained from the poison hemlock.毒药:从芹叶钩吻中提炼出来的毒药
来源:Middle English
hemlok [poisonous hemlock] 中古英语
hemlok [毒芹,芹叶钩吻] from Old English
hymlice, hemlic 源自 古英语
hymlice, hemlic