heating是什么意思 heating在线中文翻译



n. 加热, 供热, 暖气设备, 供暖系统, 暖气装置
a. 加热的, 供暖的
【化】 加热
【医】 加热, 取暖


名词 heating:

  1. the process of becoming warmer; a rising temperature同义词:warming
  2. utility to warm a building同义词:heating system, heating plant, heat

动词 heat:

  1. make hot or hotter同义词:heat, heat up
  2. provide with heat同义词:heat
  3. arouse or excite feelings and passions同义词:inflame, stir up, wake, ignite, heat, fire up
  4. gain heat or get hot同义词:heat, hot up, heat up


  1. Why won't the heating go on?为什麽供暖设备停了?
  2. Make sure the central heating is off.集中供暖设备一定要关掉。
  3. Conversion to gas central heating will save you a lot of money.改用煤气集中供暖将节省大笔开支。
  4. The workers are installing a heating system.工人们正在安装供暖系统。
  5. Before you start ordering oil for the central heating ring around the suppliers to see who will offer you the cheapest price.你在开始为中心暖气装置订购石油之前,给一些供货商打电话,看谁的要价最低。
  6. An enclosed vessel in which water is heated and circulated, either as hot water or as steam, for heating or power.锅炉,汽锅一种封闭的容器,可对热水或蒸气在此加热或进行循环,以获取热量或动力
  7. Switch the heating on Im cold!把暖气打开吧--我冷!
  8. The heating system in this block doesn't work well.这个街区的供暖系统不太好用。