appreciate是什么意思 appreciate在线中文翻译



vt. 赏识, 鉴别, 为...而感激, 领会, 欣赏
vi. 增值, 涨价


形容词:appreciatory 名词:appreciator 动词过去式:appreciated 过去分词:appreciated 现在分词:appreciating 第三人称单数:appreciates 


appreciate, enjoy
appreciate: 多用于文学方面,强调对事物有深入的理解能力,且能鉴赏。
enjoy: 普通用词,使用广泛,程度不及appreciate,多指从外界事物中得到喜悦与满足,领略到乐趣,享受意味强。
understand, comprehend, appreciate, apprehend, grasp
understand: 一般用词,很常用,指对事实或意义知道得很清楚。
comprehend: 较正式用词,指对较复杂的事物能透彻理解其意义。
appreciate: 欣赏,指对某事物或意义有正确的认识,对其价值的肯定。
apprehend: 指知道某事物或某观念的大概意义,但未能理解其内涵意义,暗含一知半解意味。
grasp: 从本义抓紧、抓住,引申作“理解、掌握”。


动词 appreciate:

  1. recognize with gratitude; be grateful for
  2. be fully aware of; realize fully同义词:take account
  3. hold dear同义词:prize, value, treasure
  4. gain in value同义词:apprize, apprise, revalue
  5. increase the value of同义词:apprize, apprise


  1. We all appreciate a holiday after a year of hard working.经过一年辛苦工作之后,大家都能领略假期的乐趣。
  2. We appreciate your helping us.我们感谢你们的帮助。

v.(动词),,及物动词)To recognize the quality, significance, or magnitude of:重视,赏识:认识到…的质量、显著性或重要性:例句:appreciated their freedom.重视他们的自由
To be fully aware of or sensitive to; realize:意识到,察觉:对…的充分意识或领会;察觉:例句:I appreciate your problems.我充分意识到了你的问题
To be thankful or show gratitude for:感谢,感激:感谢或对…表示感激:例句:I really appreciate your help.我真的很感激你的帮助
To admire greatly; value.欣赏;重视To raise in value or price, especially over time.抬高…价格:尤指经过一段时间后提高价值或价格v.intr.(不及物动词)To increase in value or price, especially over time.涨价,增值:尤指经过一段时期后价值或价格上涨
来源:Late Latin appreti3re appreti3t- [to appraise] * see appraise 后期拉丁语 appreti3re appreti3t- [评价] *参见 appraise
<参考词汇><同义词>appreciate,value,prize,esteem,treasure,cherish同义词>These verbs mean to have a favorable opinion of someone or something.这些动词都指对某人或某事赞许的观点。 Appreciate applies especially when high regard is based on critical assessment, comparison, and judgment: Appreciate 一词尤指高度看重是以批评式的评价、比较和判断为基础的: 例句:.As students so far from home, we have learned to appreciate those of life`s pleasures that are not readily available at home. (Sports Illustrated). .作为远离家乡的学子,我们已懂得如何欣赏那些在国内难以获得的生活中的乐趣. (运动图解)。
Value implies high regard for the importance or worth of the object: Value 意指对事物重要性和价值的高度评价: 例句:.In principle, the modern university values nothing more than the free exchange of ideas necessary for the pursuit of knowledge. (Eloise Salholz). .原则上,现代大学并不比追求知识所必需的概念的自由交换更有价值. (埃路易斯·萨尔荷斯)。
Prize often suggests pride of possession: Prize 指拥有的骄傲: 例句:.the nonchalance prized by teen-agers. (Elaine Louie). .青少年们所引以为傲的冷酷. (依莲·路易)。
Esteem implies respect of a formal sort: Esteem 指正规方式的尊重: 例句:.If he had never esteemed my opinion before, he would have thought highly of me then. (Jane Austen). .如果他先前从未看重我的意见的话,他早就该高看我一筹了. (简·奥斯汀)。
Treasure and cherish stress solicitous care for what is considered precious and often suggest affectionate regard: Treasure We treasure our freedom. cherish 强调对珍贵事物的焦虑的关切并常带有挚爱之情: 例句:我们珍视自由。
例句:.They seek out the Salish Indian woman for the wisdom of her 8' years, and to learn the traditions she cherishes. (Tamara Jones). .他们因其八十六年来所积累的智慧,而把这个印第安萨利希妇女找来,想了解她所珍视的传统. (塔玛拉·琼斯)