n. 花, 开花, 青春, 钢块
vi. 开花, 焕发青春, 茂盛
vt. 使茂盛, 把...轧成钢坯
【机】 中块, 条钢片, 中钢块
in the bloom of...
take the bloom off...
形容词:bloomy 动词过去式:bloomed 过去分词:bloomed 现在分词:blooming 第三人称单数:blooms
bloom, blossom, flower这些名词均含“花”之意。
bloom: 主要指诸如牡丹、玫瑰、梅花、菊花等供观赏的花以及花的状态。
blossom: 一般指树木开花,尤指果树上开的花。
flower: 指开放的花朵或泛指花卉。
名词 bloom:
- the organic process of bearing flowers同义词:blooming
- reproductive organ of angiosperm plants especially one having showy or colorful parts同义词:flower, blossom
- the best time of youth同义词:bloom of youth, salad days
- a rosy color (especially in the cheeks) taken as a sign of good health同义词:blush, flush, rosiness
- the period of greatest prosperity or productivity同义词:flower, prime, peak, heyday, blossom, efflorescence, flush
- a powdery deposit on a surface同义词:efflorescence
动词 bloom:
- produce or yield flowers同义词:blossom, flower
- Daffodils and crocuses bloom in the spring.水仙花和番红花在春天开放。
- The roses are blooming!玫瑰花正在盛开。
- The children are blooming!孩子们正在健康成长。
- The roses are in full bloom.玫瑰花盛开了。
The flower of a plant.花:植物开的花Something resembling the flower of a plant:类似植物的花:例句:.Her hair was caught all to one side in a great bloom of frizz.(Anne Tyler).她的头发被挽在一边,象一大朵卷起的花.(安妮·泰勒)
The condition of being in flower:开花期:开花状态:例句:a rose in full bloom.玫瑰花盛开
A condition or time of vigor, freshness, and beauty; prime:最盛期:旺盛、鲜艳和美丽的状态和时期;全盛期:例句:.the radiant bloom of Greek genius.(Edith Hamilton).希腊文明光辉灿烂的全盛时期.(伊迪丝·汉密尔顿)
A fresh, rosy complexion:红润:清新,红润的面色:例句:.She was short, plump, and fair, with a fine bloom.(Jane Austen).她身材娇小、丰满,皮肤白皙,面颊红润.(简·奥斯汀)
A waxy or powdery whitish to bluish coating sometimes occurring on the surface of plant parts, such as on the fruits of certain plums.粉霜,粉衣:用蓝白色的蜡或粉末涂在类似一种李子的植物表面上A similar coating, as on newly minted coins.涂抹粉霜:类似的涂抹,例如涂抹新铸的钱币Chemistry See efflorescence 【化学】 参见 efflorescence Glare that is caused by a shiny object reflecting too much light into a television camera.刺眼的闪光:发光物体反射到电视摄像机上的强光导致的闪光A visible, colored area on the surface of bodies of water caused by excessive planktonic growth.水花区:由于浮游生物过度生长引起的水体表面显色的地段v.(动词)bloomed,,blooms v.intr.(不及物动词)
To bear a flower or flowers.开花:产生或长出花To support plant life in abundance:使…茂盛:使植物繁盛:例句:rains that made the yard bloom.雨水使庭院中的植物长得繁盛
To shine; glow.发光;闪亮To grow or flourish with youth and vigor.有活力:因年轻和活力而茁壮成长To appear or expand suddenly:大量出现:突然出现或膨胀:例句:White vapor bloomed from the side of the rocket`s fuel tank.白烟的浓烟突然从火箭的燃料箱旁窜出及物动词)To cause to flourish.使繁茂Obsolete To cause to flower.【废语】 使开花
来源:Middle English blom 中古英语 blom from Old Norse blôm * see bhel- 3源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 blôm *参见 bhel- 3
adj.(形容词)<参考词汇><同义词>bloom,blossom,efflorescence,florescence,flower,flush,prime同义词>The central meaning shared by these nouns is .a condition or time of greatest vigor and freshness.: 这些名词都带有的核心意思是:.充满活力和朝气的全盛时期.: 例句:beauty in its full bloom;青春年少时的美丽;
例句:classical sculpture in its blossom;全盛时期的古典主义雕塑作品;
例句: the efflorescence of humanitarianism;人道主义的全盛期;
例句:the florescence of baroque music;巴洛音乐的昌盛期;
例句:in the flower of her womanhood;她的亮丽的成年期;
例句:in the flush of his popularity;他的最负盛名的时期;
例句:the prime of life. 壮年 ---------------另--------------bloom
bloom 2
n.(名词)A bar of steel prepared for rolling.块钢:用作碾平的一段钢材A mass of wrought iron ready for further working.锻铁块:准备作进一步加工的熟铁
来源:Middle English blome [lump of metal] 中古英语 blome [金属块,金属坯] from Old English blôma * see bhel- 3源自 古英语 blôma *参见 bhel- 3