beyond是什么意思 beyond在线中文翻译



prep. 超过, 在那一边, 迟于
ad. 在远处
n. 更远处
beyond praise
beyond compare
beyond sb's power


副词 beyond:

  1. farther along in space or time or degree
  2. on the farther side from the observer同义词:on the far side
  3. in addition


  1. He's got nothing beyond his state pension.除了国家发的养老金,他一无所有。
  2. What can we know of the beyond?我们对来世能知道些什么呢?
  3. The level of inflation has gone beyond 8%.通货膨胀率已经超过了8%。
  4. They crossed the mountains and travelled to the valleys beyond.他们越过群山,到了那边的山谷。
  5. It's beyond me why he married her.他怎么会娶了她,这我就不懂了。


prep.(介词)On the far side of; past:在远处那边;过:例句:Just beyond the fence.就在篱笆那边
Later than; after:迟于;之后:例句:beyond midnight.午夜之后
To a degree that is past the understanding, reach, or scope of:超出(理解、范围、眼界)之上:例句:an evil beyond remedy.无可救药的邪恶
To a degree or amount greater than:大于:在程度或数量上大于:例句:rich beyond his wildest dreams.超出他最渴望梦想的财富
In addition to:除…以外:例句:asked for nothing beyond peace and quiet.除平安和平静外一无所求
adv.(副词)Farther along or away.在远处In addition; more:除外;更多:例句:wanted her share but nothing beyond.除了她的一份别无所求
n.(名词)That which is past or to a degree greater than knowledge or experience; the unknown:未知的事物:超过或达到高于知识或经验之外的东西;未知之事:例句:.Sputnik, the first satellite to enter the great beyond of space.(Dale Russakoff).苏联人造地球卫星是进入未知空间的第一颗人造卫星.(戴尔·鲁萨考夫)
The world beyond death; the hereafter.死后的世界;来世
来源:Middle English biyonde 中古英语 biyonde from Old English begeondan 源自 古英语 begeondan be [by] * see by be [被] *参见 bygeondan [on the far side of] * see i- geondan [在远处] *参见 i-