burn是什么意思 burn在线中文翻译



vt. 烧, 烧毁, 烧伤
vi. 燃烧, 发热, 烧毁
n. 烧伤, 烙印
【医】 灼伤, 烧伤
burn sth off
burn itself out
burn oneself out
burn with fever
burn in
burn up
burn sth into...


动词过去式:burned,burnt 过去分词:burned,burnt 现在分词:burning 第三人称单数:burns 


名词 burn:

  1. pain that feels hot as if it were on fire同义词:burning
  2. a browning of the skin resulting from exposure to the rays of the sun同义词:tan, suntan, sunburn
  3. an injury caused by exposure to heat or chemicals or radiation
  4. a place or area that has been burned (especially on a person's body)同义词:burn mark
  5. damage inflicted by fire

动词 burn:

  1. destroy by fire同义词:fire, burn down
  2. shine intensely, as if with heat同义词:glow
  3. undergo combustion同义词:combust
  4. cause a sharp or stinging pain or discomfort同义词:bite, sting
  5. cause to burn or combust同义词:combust
  6. feel strong emotion, especially anger or passion
  7. cause to undergo combustion同义词:incinerate
  8. burn at the stake
  9. spend (significant amounts of money)
  10. feel hot or painful
  11. burn, sear, or freeze (tissue) using a hot iron or electric current or a caustic agent同义词:cauterize, cauterise
  12. get a sunburn by overexposure to the sun同义词:sunburn
  13. create by duplicating data同义词:cut
  14. use up (energy)同义词:burn off, burn up
  15. burn with heat, fire, or radiation


  1. Half the candle had burnt away.蜡烛已烧去一半。
  2. He died of the burns he received in the fire.他因在火灾中受烧伤而死。
  3. Paper burns easily.纸容易着火。
  4. She is burning to tell you the news.她急于要告诉你这消息。


v.(动词)burned 或 burnt [bôrnt] burn.ing,burns v.tr.(及物动词)
To cause to undergo combustion.烧:使经历燃烧To destroy with fire:烧毁:用火烧毁:例句:burned the trash; burn a house down.焚毁垃圾;烧毁房屋
To consume (fuel or energy, for example):燃尽:耗尽(例如燃料或能量):例句:burned all the wood that winter.那个冬天烧完了所有的木柴
Physics To cause to undergo nuclear fission or fusion.【物理学】 使裂变或聚变:使遭受核裂变或聚变To damage or injure by fire, heat, radiation, electricity, or a caustic agent:灼伤:被火、强热、辐射、电或腐蚀性物质损坏或伤害:例句:burned the toast; burned my skin with the acid.烤糊了的面包;酸液灼伤了我的皮肤
To execute or kill with fire:烧死:被火窒息或烧死:例句:burning heretics at the stake.在火刑柱上烧死异端邪说者
To execute by electrocution.处电刑:用电刑处死
To make or produce by fire or heat:烧制,烧成:用火或热量来制造或生产:例句:burn a hole in the rug.在地毯上烧出个洞
To dispel; dissipate:驱散;消除:例句:The sun burned off the fog.阳光驱散了雾气
To use as a fuel:当作燃料使用:例句:a furnace that burns coal.以煤作燃料的火炉
To metabolize (glucose, for example) in the body.代谢:体内的新陈代谢(例如葡萄糖)To impart a sensation of intense heat to:刺激:给予一种强热的感觉:例句:The chili burned my mouth.干辣椒使我的嘴里发热
To irritate or inflame, as by chafing or sunburn.发热:因摩擦或日晒而发热或变红To let (oneself or a part of one`s body) become sunburned.晒黑:使(某人或其身体的一部分)晒黑To brand (an animal).烙印,烙上:(在动物身上)打烙印To harden or impart a finish to by subjecting to intense heat; fire:烧制:通过施加强热使变硬或使完美;火烧:例句:burn clay pots in a kiln.在窑里烧制陶器
To make angry:使发怒:例句:That remark really burns me.那次评论的确激怒了我
To defeat in a contest, especially by a narrow margin.险胜:尤其指在竟争中以很小的优势击败对手To inflict harm or hardship on; hurt:使困难:使受伤害或使困难;伤害:例句:.Huge loan losses have burned banks in recent years.(Christian Science Monitor).近年来巨额贷款的损失一直使几家银行发展困难.(基督教科学箴言报)
To swindle or deceive; cheat:欺诈;欺骗:例句:We really got burned on the used car we bought.我们买了旧车,确实被欺骗了
To undergo combustion.燃烧To admit of burning:点燃:例句:Wood burns easily.木头容易点燃
To consume fuel:消耗燃料:例句:a rocket stage designed to burn for three minutes before being jettisoned.设计成在被抛弃之前可以燃烧三分钟的火箭的级
Physics To undergo nuclear fission or fusion.【物理学】 受核裂变或聚变
To emit heat or light by or as if by fire:发烧,发热:用火或类似的东西使放出热量或光:例句:campfires burning in the dark; the sun burning brightly in the sky.在黑暗中发光的营火;天空中发出耀眼光芒的太阳
To become dissipated or to be dispelled by or as if by heat:驱散:被或仿佛被热气驱散:例句:The fog burned off as the sun came up.太阳升起来驱散了雾气
To give off light; shine:发光;闪烁:例句:a light burning over the door.从门内射出的灯光
To be destroyed, injured, damaged, or changed by or as if by fire:烧毁:用火或类似的东西来毁坏、伤害、损害或改变:例句:a house that burned to the ground; eggs that burned and stuck to the pan.被烧毁的房屋;烤焦了粘在平锅上的鸡蛋
To be very hot; bake:烤:变得非常热;烤:例句:a desert burning under the midday sun.被正午的太阳炙烤着的沙漠
To feel or look hot:发热:感觉热或看上去热:例句:a child burning with fever.因发烧而发热的孩子
To impart a sensation of heat:感到热:给予热的感觉:例句:a liniment that burns when first applied.第一次使用时就感到炽热的擦剂
To become irritated or painful, as by chafing or inflammation:烫痛:因摩擦或炙烤而变得炽热或疼痛:例句:eyes burning from the smoke.被烟熏痛的眼睛
To become sunburned or windburned.被风吹日晒To be consumed with strong emotion, especially:激动,渴望:被强烈的情绪所耗尽,尤指:To be or become angry:变得恼怒:例句:an insult that really made me burn.的确使我恼怒的侮辱
To be very eager:渴望:例句:was burning with ambition.怀着雄心壮志渴望着
To penetrate by or as if by intense heat or flames:烧穿,穿透:用强热或火焰等穿透:例句:enemy ground radar burning through the fighters` electronic jammers; a look that burned into them.穿透了战士们的电子干扰装置的敌方地面雷达;看穿他们的眼光
To be vividly or painfully present:涌现,浮现:生动或痛苦地存在:例句:shame burning in my heart.羞愧在我心中燃烧
To suffer punishment or death by or as if by fire:受煎熬:通过火或其他类似的东西来惩罚或致死:例句:souls burning in hell.地狱中受煎熬的灵魂
To be electrocuted.被电击,处电刑n.(名词)An injury produced by fire, heat, radiation, electricity, or a caustic agent.烧伤,烫伤,灼伤:因火焰、高温、辐射、电击或腐蚀性物质而造成的伤害A burned place or area:被烧的地方,燃烧区:例句:a cigarette burn in the tablecloth.桌布上被香烟燃坏的地方
The process or result of burning:燃烧:燃烧的过程或结果:例句:The fire settled down to a steady burn.大火被控制到一个稳定的状况
A stinging sensation:刺痛感:例句:the burn of alcohol on an open wound.酒精涂在裂开伤口上的刺痛感
A sunburn or windburn.风吹日晒Aerospace A firing of a rocket.【太空学】 火箭上的点火装置A swindle.欺骗
<常用词组>burn out
To stop burning from lack of fuel.烧尽,烧光:因缺乏燃料而停止燃烧To wear out or make or become inoperative as a result of heat or friction:烧坏:因为热或摩擦而耗尽或变得不能工作:例句:The short circuit burned out the fuse.短路烧坏了导线
To cause (a property owner or a resident) to have to evacuate the premises because of fire:烧掉…的家,烧火把…赶出:因为火灾而使得(财产所有者或居民)不得不疏散财产或从地产中撤离:例句:The shopkeeper was burned out by arsonists.店主被纵火犯逐出商店
To make or become exhausted, especially as a result of long-term stress:使疲惫不堪:使变得或变得精疲力尽,尤指因长期地压迫:例句:.Hours are long, stress is high, and many recruits drop out or burn out.(Robert J. Samuelson).时间长,压力大,许多新会员已弃权或疲倦不堪.(罗伯特J.塞缪尔森)
burn up
To make angry:使生气,使发怒:例句:Their rudeness really burns me up.他们的无礼真的让我生气
To travel over or through at high speed:飞驰,飞奔:以高速跨越或穿过:例句:drag racers burning up the track.正在跑道上飞驰的高速赛车
常用词组><习惯用语>burn (one`s) bridges
To eliminate the possibility of return or retreat.破釜沉舟:消除返回或撤退的可能性burn the candle at both ends 或
burn one`s candle at both ends
To exhaust oneself or one`s resources by leading a hectic or extravagant life.耗费精力:通过令人兴奋的或奢侈的生活来耗尽某人的精力或财力burn the midnight oil
To work or study very late at night.熬夜:工作或学习到深夜to burn
In great amounts:大量,许多:例句:They had money to burn.他们有很多钱
习惯用语>来源:Middle English burnen 中古英语 burnen from Old English beornan [to be on fire,] 源自 古英语 beornan [着火] and from bôrnan [to set on fire] * see g wher- 并源自 bôrnan [置于火上烧烤] *参见 g wher-
<参考词汇><同义词>burn,scorch,singe,sear,char,parch同义词>These verbs mean to injure or alter by means of intense heat or flames.这些动词的意思是通过高温或火焰的方式伤害或使改变。 Burn, the most general, applies to the effects of exposure to a source of heator to something that can produce a similar effect: Brun 最常见的用法是用来形容接触一个热源,或其它能产生相似效果的东西作用之后的结果: 例句:burned the rug with a cigarette;香烟烧了地毯;
例句:left the onions on the stove and burned them;把洋葱放在炉子上烤;
例句:burned my fingers by handling dry ice.拿干冰时灼伤了我的手指。
Scorch usually refers to contact with flame or heated metal and involves superficial burning that discolors or damages the texture of something: Scorch 通常指与火焰或加热的金属有关的,还包括改变物体颜色或损伤其纹理的表层烧烤: 例句:afraid that the iron might scorch the sheet;害怕熨斗会烫坏被单;
例句:trees that were scorched in a forest fire.被森林大火烧焦的树木。
Singe specifies superficial burning by brief exposure to flameand especially the deliberate removal of projections such as bristles or feathers from a carcass, such as a plucked fowl, before cooking: Singe 专指短暂暴露于火焰上造成表面灼伤,尤指小心除去肉体上的如羽毛或鬃毛的突出物(如烹饪前的拔过毛的家禽): 例句:a grease fire that singed my eyelashes;油焰燎着了我的睫毛;
例句:singed the Thanksgiving turkey, then roasted it.用火燎去感恩节火鸡上的细毛,然后再烤。
Sear applies to surface burning of organic tissue, as by branding or cauterizing: Sear 用于有机组织的表面烤灼,比如用打烙印或炙烤的方法: 例句:Sear the lamb over high heat before lowering the flame and adding liquid. To 在减小火焰和加水之前把羊肉放在大火上烤一下。
char is most often to reduce a substance to carbon or charcoal by means of fire: char 最常用于以火烧的方式来产生煤或木炭的替代品: 例句:The timbers of the house were charred by the raging fire.房屋的木材被熊熊大火烧成了木炭。
Parch in this sense emphasizes the drying and often fissuring of a surface from exposure to flame, the sun, or hot wind: Parch 在这个意义上强调因暴露于火中、阳光下或热风中而使得表面干裂: 例句:The torrid rays of the sun parched the soil. 太阳的热辐射使土壤干裂了。 ---------------另--------------burn
burn 2
n.Scots (名词)【苏格兰】 A small stream; a brook.小溪:一种小溪流;小河
来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old English burna * see bhreu- 源自 古英语 burna *参见 bhreu-