butterfly是什么意思 butterfly在线中文翻译



n. 蝴蝶
【医】 蝶式棉块, 翼形皮癣, 纸蝶


动词过去式:butterflied 过去分词:butterflied 现在分词:butterflying 第三人称单数:butterflies 


名词 butterfly:

  1. diurnal insect typically having a slender body with knobbed antennae and broad colorful wings
  2. a swimming stroke in which the arms are thrown forward together out of the water while the feet kick up and down同义词:butterfly stroke

动词 butterfly:

  1. flutter like a butterfly
  2. cut and spread open, as in preparation for cooking
  3. talk or behave amorously, without serious intentions同义词:chat up, flirt, dally, coquet, coquette, romance, philander, mash


  1. A larva metamorphoses into a chrysalis and then into a butterfly.幼虫变为蛹,然後再变成蝴蝶。
  2. He tried in vain to catch the butterfly on the flower.他白费力气想抓住停在花上的蝴蝶。
  3. A butterfly is flying up and down among the flowers.有一只蝴蝶正在花丛里忽上忽下地飞着。
  4. Take not a musket to kill a butterfly.[谚]小题大做; 杀鸡焉用牛刀。
  5. The ugly caterpillar will change into a beautiful butterfly.丑陋的毛虫会变成美丽的蝴蝶。
  6. I think this worm is a larva of a butterfly.我觉得这虫子是蝴蝶的幼虫。
  7. It shows the metamorphosis of a larva into a butterfly.它展示了从幼虫变成蝴蝶的过程。
  8. I don't like this young woman; she seems a social butterfly.我不喜欢这个年轻女子,她象个交际花。


n.(名词)Any of various insects of the order Lepidoptera, characteristically having slender bodies, knobbed antennae, and four broad, usually colorful wings.蝴蝶:多种鳞翅目类昆虫,特征为身体细长,触须突出,有四个通常是彩色的宽大的翅A person interested principally in frivolous pleasure:举止轻浮的人:主要对轻浮的娱乐感兴趣的人:例句:a social butterfly.轻浮的交际花
Sports The butterfly stroke.【体育运动】 蝶泳butterflies A feeling of unease or mild nausea caused especially by fearful anticipation. butterflies 因害怕而发抖:特别是由于可怕的预感而引起的不适感觉或轻度的恶心呕吐n.attributive.(定语名词)Often used to modify another noun:经常用来修饰另一个名词:例句:a butterfly knife; a butterfly hinge.蝶形小刀;蝶铰
v.tr.(及物动词)but.ter.flied,but.ter.fly.ing,but.ter.flies To cut and spread open and flat, as shrimp.切开,摊开并铺平,如虾
来源:Middle English butterflye 中古英语 butterflye from Old English butorflôoge 源自 古英语 butorflôoge butor, butere [butter] * see butter butor, butere [奶油] *参见 butterflôoge [fly] * see fly 2flôoge [飞] *参见 fly2
<注释>Is a butterfly named for the color of its excrement or because it was really a thieving witchôThe first suggestion rests on the fact that an early Dutch name for the butterfly wasboterschijte. This name is as astonishing a phenomenon as the fact that anyone ever noticed the color of butterfly excrement.Apparently, however, when the butterfly was not busy leaving colorful traces of itself, it was stealing milk and butter.This was not because of its thievish nature but because it was really a mischievous witch in the form of a winged insect.So the second suggestion is that this predilection for butter larceny gave rise to the colorful insect`s name.蝴蝶是以其排泄物的颜色命名的,还是因为它的确是个正在偷东西的精灵呢ô第一个假设基于蝴蝶在古代荷兰语中的名称为boterschijte 这个事实。 这个名称同任何人都曾注意到蝴蝶的排泄物的颜色这个事实一样是个令人吃惊的现象。然而,很显然蝴蝶不是在忙于留下它们彩色的行迹就是忙于偷牛奶或奶油。这不是因为它有偷窃的天性而是因为它确实是一只作为有翅昆虫形体的淘气的精灵。所以第二个假设就是这种奶油盗窃的嗜好引出了彩色昆虫的命名注释>