n. 偏见, 斜纹
a. 偏斜的
ad. 偏斜
vt. 使有偏见
【计】 偏流; 偏压; 偏磁; 偏离
【化】 偏倚; 系统误差(偏压;偏流等)
【医】 偏见, 偏性, 偏因
【经】 偏差, 偏向
动词过去式:biased,biassed 过去分词:biased,biassed 现在分词:biasing,biassing 第三人称单数:biases,biasses
prejudice, bias这两个名词均有“偏见,成见”之意。
prejudice: 侧重指在缺乏理由或证据之前就形成怀疑的、有恶感的偏见。
bias: 指因个人的好恶或偏见,对人或物作出的不正确、或好或坏的判断或意见。
名词 bias:
- a partiality that prevents objective consideration of an issue or situation同义词:prejudice, preconception
- a line or cut across a fabric that is not at right angles to a side of the fabric同义词:diagonal
动词 bias:
- influence in an unfair way
- cause to be biased同义词:predetermine
形容词 bias:
- slanting diagonally across the grain of a fabric
- Her scientific bias showed itself in early childhood.她在科学方面的倾向性在孩童时代就已显现出来。
- He has a bias against Japanese products.他讨厌日本的产品。
n.(名词)A line going diagonally across the grain of fabric:织物的斜纹线:例句:Cut the cloth on the bias.沿斜纹裁开
Usage Problem 【用法疑难】 A preference or an inclination, especially one that inhibits impartial judgment.偏见,偏心:偏好或倾向,尤指妨碍公平判断的偏见An unfair act or policy stemming from prejudice.偏袒:因偏见而产生的不公正行为或政策A statistical sampling or testing error caused by systematically favoring some outcomes over others.偏差:由于系统上的结果偏差而导致的统计抽样或试验的错误Sports 【体育运动】 A weight or irregularity in a ball that causes it to swerve, as in lawn bowling.斜路线:如在草地保龄球等运动中导致球转弯的球重或不规则路线The tendency of such a ball to swerve.拐弯球路:上述球突然转弯的倾向The fixed voltage applied to an electrode.偏压adj.(形容词)Slanting or diagonal; oblique:斜的;偏的:例句:a bias fold.斜褶及物动词)bi.ased 或 bi.assed 或 或 To influence in a particular, typically unfair direction; prejudice.使有偏见:使向不公正方向施影响;使有偏见To apply a small voltage to (a grid).向栅极加偏压
来源:French biais [slant] 法语 biais [倾斜的] from Provenôal 源自 普罗旺斯语 perhaps ultimately from Greek epikarsios [slanted] 可能最终源自 希腊语 epikarsios [斜的]
<参考词汇><同义词>bias,color,jaundice,prejudice,warp同义词>The central meaning shared by these verbs is .to influence unfavorably or detrimentally.: 这些词共同的中心意思是.不利或有害地影响.: 例句:past experiences that have biased his outlook;对他前途有不利影响的经历;
例句:behavior that has colored my opinion of her;促使我对她有不利看法的行为;
例句:a view of campaign promises that have become jaundiced;对竞选许诺抱有偏见的观点;
例句:lying that has prejudiced the public against the administration;欺骗公众反对政府的谎言;
例句:bitterness that has warped your judgment. See also Synonyms at incline ,predilection 痛苦影响了你的判断 参见同义词 incline,predilection
参考词汇>In its sense of .a preference or an inclination,.bias can, in principle, be used with equal appropriateness for an inclination that is beneficial or for one that is adverse. But in a development similar to the one undergone bydiscrimination, bias has come to be used most commonly when it is believed that some injustice is involved. Thus, 90 percent of the Usage Panel accepts the sentence The court`s ruling provided a strong endorsement of affirmative action programs as a means to counter the effect of decades of racial bias in police hiring practices. Moreover, it has become increasingly acceptable to usebias to refer not just to an unfair preference but to an unfair act or policy based on such a preference, as in .The report also notes ‘remarkably consistent’ biases in administration R&D budget requests. These included emphasis on military R&D and civil basic research. (Christian Science Monitor).在表示.偏向或倾向.时,bias 主要可能用来表示一种有利的或不利的倾向。 但当其发展到与discrimination意思相近时, bias就更主要地用来表示不公正的倾向。 因此,百分之九十的用法使用小组成员都接受下面的句子: .法庭的裁决有力支持了把反歧视行动做为一种手段,以纠正几十年来在警察聘任上的种族偏见.。 不仅如此,bias 一词不仅越来越多地用于表示一种不公正的倾向,而且更多地用来表示一种对于不公正倾向而产生的不公正行为或政策, 如下句:.报告还提到在制定研究与发展预算申请中的‘异常一贯的’偏见。 这包括强调军队研究与发展和民用基础研究. (《基督教箴言报》)