n. 脑
vt. 打碎脑部
【医】 脑
turn sb's brain
have sth on the brain
动词过去式:brained 过去分词:brained 现在分词:braining 第三人称单数:brains
名词 brain:
- that part of the central nervous system that includes all the higher nervous centers; enclosed within the skull; continuous with the spinal cord同义词:encephalon
- mental ability同义词:brainpower, learning ability, mental capacity, mentality, wit
- that which is responsible for one's thoughts and feelings; the seat of the faculty of reason同义词:mind, head, psyche, nous
- someone who has exceptional intellectual ability and originality同义词:genius, mastermind, brainiac, Einstein
- the brain of certain animals used as meat
动词 brain:
- hit on the head
- kill by smashing someone's skull
- He is one of the leading brains in the country.他是国家的知识分子精英。
- I've had this tune on the brain all day but I can't remember what it's called.我脑海里整天回荡著这个曲调,但我想不起来叫什麽了。
- Brains are more than just education.有头脑不仅指受过教育。
- She has a good brain.她很有头脑。
The portion of the vertebrate central nervous system that is enclosed within the cranium, continuous with the spinal cord, and composed of gray matter and white matter. It is the primary center for the regulation and control of bodily activities, receiving and interpreting sensory impulses, and transmitting information to the muscles and body organs. It is also the seat of consciousness, thought, memory, and emotion.大脑:脊椎动物中枢神经系统的一个组成部分,为头盖骨包住,与脊椎相连,由灰质与白质组成,是调节和控制身体运动,接收和解释感觉冲动,向肌肉和身体器官发送信息的基本中心,也是意识,思想,忘记和情感的活动中心A functionally similar portion of the invertebrate nervous system.脑:无脊椎动物神经系统中具有类似功能的部分
Intellectual ability; mind:智力;智能:例句:a dull brain; a quick brain.笨脑瓜;快脑瓜
Often brains Intellectual power; intelligence: 常作 brains 智力;理解力:例句:brains and good looks.See Synonyms at
mind 理解力和好眼光参见
mindA highly intelligent person.高智力的人Often brains The primary director or planner, as of an organization or movement. 常作 brains 首脑:组织或运动的主要领导人或策划者The control center, as of a ship, aircraft, or spacecraft.控制中心:船、飞机或宇宙飞船的控制中心及物动词)
brains 【俚语】 To smash in the skull of.打破…的脑袋To hit on the head.打…的头部
beat (one`s) brains (out)Informal To exert or expend great mental effort:
【非正式用语】 绞尽脑汁,大费脑筋:用光或耗尽极大的智力努力:例句:She beat her brains out during the examination.在考试中她绞尽脑汁
on the brainObsessively in mind:热衷于,念念不忘:一心想着某事:例句:The coach has winning on the brain.教练一心想着取得胜利
pick (someone`s) brain 或pick (someone`s) brainsTo explore another`s ideas through questioning.思想剽窃:在解决问题中使用别人的想法
rack (one`s) brain【非正式用语】To think long and hard:冥思苦想:长时间艰苦地思考:例句:I racked my brain for hours trying to recall her name.几小时来我苦苦思索以期回想起她的名字
习惯用语>来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old English
brôgen 源自 古英语