bankrupt是什么意思 bankrupt在线中文翻译



n. 破产者
a. 破产的
vt. 使破产
【经】 破产者, 破产; 破产


动词过去式:bankrupted 过去分词:bankrupted 现在分词:bankrupting 第三人称单数:bankrupts 名词:bankruptcy 形容词:bankrup-tive 


名词 bankrupt:

  1. someone who has insufficient assets to cover their debts同义词:insolvent

动词 bankrupt:

  1. reduce to bankruptcy同义词:ruin, break, smash

形容词 bankrupt:

  1. financially ruined同义词:belly-up


  1. If your liabilities exceed your assets, you may go bankrupt.如果你所负的债超过你的资产,你就会破产。
  2. The purport of the statement is that the firm is bankrupt.该项声明大意是说该商行已经破产。
  3. Our business is at the crossing, if this deal does not succeed, we shall be bankrupt.我们的商行正处在十字路口,倘若此番交易不能成功,我们将会破产。
  4. Amalgamation was the only alternative to going bankrupt.联合起来是避免破产的唯一途径。
  5. The threat of going bankrupt is very unpleasant but it certainly concentrates the mind.即将破产的威胁虽令人极烦恼,但确也能逼迫人开动脑筋。
  6. He is adjudicate bankrupt.他被裁定为破产者。
  7. That company made him bankrupt.是那家公司让他破产的。
  8. I was bankrupt and unable to pay his debts.我破产了,不能偿还他的债务。


n.Abbr. bkpt.(名词)缩写 bkpt.Law A debtor that, upon voluntary petition or one invoked by the debtor`s creditors, is judged legally insolvent. The debtor`s remaining property is then administered for the creditors or is distributed among them.【法律】 破产者:经自愿请求或被债务人的债权人所请求,在法律上被判定为无偿债能力的债务人。该债务人的剩余财产交由债权人管理或在债权人之间分配A person who is totally lacking in a specified resource or quality:无知的人:在某种智略或品质方面完全缺乏的人:例句:an intellectual bankrupt.一点知识也没有的人
Having been legally declared financially insolvent.破产的:已由法院宣告破产的Financially ruined; impoverished.贫穷的:资金枯竭的;一贫如洗的
Depleted of valuable qualities or characteristics:道德败坏的:已丧失有价值的品质或性格的:例句:a morally and ethically bankrupt politician.道德沦丧的政客
Totally depleted; destitute:枯竭的:完全枯竭的;缺乏的:例句:was bankrupt of new ideas.黔驴计穷
Being in a ruined state:毁坏的:处于已毁坏的状态的:例句:a bankrupt foreign policy.已告破产的外交政策及物动词)bank.rupt.ed,,bank.rupts To cause to become financially bankrupt.使破产:使造成经济上的破产To ruin:丧失的:例句:an administration that bankrupted its credibility by seeking to manipulate the news.由于政府想掩盖事实,人们已失去了对政府的信任
来源:French banqueroute 法语 banqueroute from Italian bancarotta 源自 意大利语 bancarotta banca [moneychanger`s table] * see bank 2banca [货币兑换商的柜台] *参见 bank2rotta [past participle of] rompere [to break] from Latin rumpere * see reup- rotta [] rompere的过去分词 [破坏,打破] 源自 拉丁语 rumpere *参见 reup-