n. 串, 束
【医】 骨肿块(马)
形容词:bunchy 名词:bunchiness 动词过去式:bunched 过去分词:bunched 现在分词:bunching 第三人称单数:bunches
pack, package, packet, parcel, bunch, bundle这些名词均有“捆、包”之意。
pack: 指专为背负而包扎的包裹,也指驮物等。
package: 指包装整齐严密的包裹或一包、一捆、一盒东西。
packet: 一般指小件行李、邮包、还可指更小一些的包。
parcel: 着重指邮包,也指将东西扎成小包或不太大的包。
bunch: 指有规则地把同类东西固定在一起。
bundle: 指多件东西被捆扎在一起。
名词 bunch:
- a grouping of a number of similar things同义词:clump, cluster, clustering
- an informal body of friends同义词:crowd, crew, gang
- any collection in its entirety同义词:lot, caboodle
动词 bunch:
- form into a bunch同义词:bunch together, bunch up
- gather or cause to gather into a cluster同义词:bunch up, bundle, cluster, clump
- He goes round with a bunch of thugs.他经常和一帮流氓厮混。
- Your friends are all just a bunch of nobodies.你的朋友都不过是无名之辈。
- I bought a large bunch of radishes.我买了一大捆萝卜。
- He gave a bunch of flowers to his girlfriend.他送给女友一束花。
- I bought a bunch of grapes.我买了一串葡萄。
- I received a bunch of red roses on my birthday.生日那天,我收到一束红玫瑰。
- From the drawer Mr Mach took out a chain, with a bunch of keys dangling at its end.马赫先生从抽屉里拿出一条链子,链子一头挂着一串钥匙。
- I received a bunch of flowers this morning.今天早晨我收到一束花。
A group of things growing close together; a cluster or clump:束,串,捆:靠得很近生长的一丛东西;一束或一串:例句:a bunch of grapes; grass growing in bunches.一串葡萄;丛生的草
A group of like items or individuals gathered or placed together:一串,一群:放在一块或聚在一起的一群相似的东西或个体:例句:a bunch of keys on a ring; people standing around in bunches.环上的一串钥匙;围圈站着的人们
Informal A group of people usually having a common interest or association:【非正式用语】 一帮,一伙:有共同兴趣或合作关系的一群人:例句:My brother and his bunch are basketball fanatics.我兄弟和他的伙伴们都是篮球迷
Informal A considerable number or amount; a lot:【非正式用语】 大量:可观的数目或数量;大量:例句:a bunch of trouble; a whole bunch of food.重重困难;丰盛的食物
A small lump or swelling; a bump.凸出,隆起:一个小的突起或肿块;隆起v.(动词)bunched,bunch.ing,bunch.es v.tr.(及物动词)To gather or form into a cluster:聚成一串,形成一串:例句:bunched my fingers into a fist.把我的手握成拳头
To gather together into a group.聚成一组To gather (fabric) into folds.使起褶:使(织物)起褶v.intr.(不及物动词)To form a cluster or group:形成一串,形成一组:例句:runners bunching up at the starting line.起跑线上聚在一起的赛跑者
To be gathered together in folds, as fabric.打褶:将织物放在一块起褶To swell; protrude.膨胀;凸出
来源:Middle English bonche 中古英语 bonche probably from Flemish bondje [diminutive of] bont [bundle] 可能源自 佛兰芒语 bondje [] bont的小后缀 [束] from Middle Dutch * see bundle 源自 中古荷兰语 *参见 bundle