burdensome是什么意思 burdensome在线中文翻译



a. 累赘的, 恼人的, 繁重的
【法】 难于负担的, 压抑的, 累赘的


名词:burdensomeness 副词:burdensomely 


形容词 burdensome:

  1. not easily borne; wearing同义词:onerous, taxing


  1. An unpleasant or burdensome task.令人讨厌的或繁重的工作


adj.(形容词)Of or like a burden; onerous.负担的,难于负担的:是或象负担的;繁重的
n.(名词)<参考词汇><同义词>burdensome,onerous,oppressive,arduous,demanding,rigorous,exacting同义词>These adjectives all apply to what imposes a severe test of bodily or spiritual strength.这些形容词都适用于将体力或精神的繁重考验强加于人的事物。 Burdensome is associated with both mental and physical hardship: Burdensome 与体力和脑力的重负都有关: 例句:The burdensome task of preparing her income tax return awaited her.准备所得税偿还的繁重任务等着她去完成。
Onerous adds toburdensome the connotation of the figuratively heavy load imposed by something irksome or annoying: Onerous 加深了brudensome 一词被烦人的或令人讨厌的事物强加的比喻为繁重负担的含义: 例句:My duties weren`t onerous; I only had to greet the guests. Somethingoppressive weighs one down in body or spirit, as by subjection to an overpowering natural influence or to the harsh or unjust exercise of power: 我的任务不太繁重;我只须会见客人。 某件oppressive 的事物是形容使人在身体或精神上肩负重担的事物, 如因征服超自然力或困难的影响或权力的不公正使用而引起的:
例句:oppressive humidity.难以忍受的谦恭。
例句:.Old forms of government finally grow so oppressive that they must be thrown off. (Herbert Spencer). .政府的旧形式变得太暴虐了以致于必须被取缔. (赫伯特·斯潘塞)。
Arduous emphasizes the expenditure of sustained and often exhausting labor: Arduous 强调持续不断的经常使人精疲力竭的劳动: 例句:Learning a new role is a long and arduous undertaking.Demanding, rigorous, and exacting imply the imposition of severe and uncompromising demands: 学习扮演一个新的角色是一项长期而又使人疲惫的任务。Demanding, rigorous和 exacting 暗指具有严格的且不易通融的要求的任务:
例句:Music is a demanding art.音乐是一门严谨的艺术。
例句:.Yet out of this unflattering, rigorous realism . . . Swift made great art. (M.D. Aeschliman). .在这种毫不夸张的严格写实主义之外…斯威夫特创造出了伟大的艺术. (M·D·艾奇里曼)。
例句:Making a petit point pillow is exacting work. 做一个小花边编织枕头是一项细致活儿。