blunder是什么意思 blunder在线中文翻译



n. 大错, 大失策
vi. 失策, 跌跌撞撞地走, 犯错
vt. 做错


副词:blunderingly 名词:blunderer 动词过去式:blundered 过去分词:blundered 现在分词:blundering 第三人称单数:blunders 


名词 blunder:

  1. an embarrassing mistake同义词:blooper, bloomer, bungle, pratfall, foul-up, fuckup, flub, botch, boner, boo-boo

动词 blunder:

  1. commit a faux pas or a fault or make a serious mistake同义词:sin, boob, goof
  2. make one's way clumsily or blindly同义词:fumble
  3. utter impulsively同义词:blurt out, blurt, blunder out, ejaculate


  1. I made a terrible blunder in introducing her to my husband.我把她介绍给我的丈夫是犯了一个极大的错误。
  2. The police blundered badly by arresting the wrong man.警方抓错了人,犯了荒唐的大错。
  3. I've made an awful blunder.我做了一件大错特错的事。


n.(名词)A usually serious mistake typically caused by ignorance or confusion.大错:典型地由于无知和粗心造成的大错v.(动词)blun.dered,,blun.ders v.intr.(不及物动词)To move clumsily or blindly.跌跌撞撞地走,踉踉跄跄地走To make a usually serious mistake.犯大错误及物动词)To make a stupid, usually serious error in; botch.搞糟:在…方面犯了很愚蠢且通常很严重的错误;糟蹋To utter (something) stupidly or thoughtlessly.笨口笨舌,欠考虑地说出:很愚蠢地且欠考虑的说出(某事)
来源:From Middle English blunderen [to go blindly] 源自 中古英语 blunderen [盲目地走] perhaps from Old Swedish blundra [have one`s eyes closed] 可能源自 古瑞典语 blundra [闭上眼睛] from Old Norse blunda 源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 blunda
adv.(副词)<参考词汇><同义词>blunder,bumble,flounder,lumber,lurch,stumble同义词>The central meaning shared by these verbs is .to move awkwardly or unsteadily.: 这些动词都带有.笨拙而踉跄地移动.的意思: 例句:blundered into the room and fell;踉踉跄跄走进屋子,跌倒了;
例句:flies bumbling against the open jam jar;苍蝇在打开的果酱瓶上爬行;
例句:floundered up the muddy mountain trail;一步一滑爬上泥泞的山间小道;
例句:a wagon lumbering along an unpaved road;马车沿着未铺的路面颠簸行走;
例句:twisted her ankle and lurched home;扭伤了脚踝,她一步一扭地走回家;
例句:stumbled but regained his balance. 他绊了一下但又马上回复了平衡。