vt. 委托(托付), 犯罪, 指派...作战, 使承担义务
【法】 犯, 做, 把...交托给
commit sth to memory
commit sth to paper
commit sth to the flames
动词过去式:committed 过去分词:committed 现在分词:committing 第三人称单数:commits 形容词:committable
动词 commit:
- perform an act, usually with a negative connotation同义词:perpetrate, pull
- give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause同义词:give, dedicate, consecrate, devote
- cause to be admitted; of persons to an institution同义词:institutionalize, institutionalise, send, charge
- confer a trust upon同义词:entrust, intrust, trust, confide
- make an investment同义词:invest, put, place
- One cannot commit crimes with impunity.一个人不能犯了罪不受惩罚。
- They tried to persuade her to commit perjury.他们竭力说服她出庭作伪证。
- The novelist makes his heroine commit suicide at the end of the book.那小说作者在书的结尾让他的女主人公自杀了。
- I asked her what she thought, but she refused to commit herself.我问她她是怎么想的,但她拒不表示意见。
- The magistrates committed him for trial at the Old Bailey.地方法官把他送往伦敦中央刑事法院受审。
- He would not commit himself in any way.他不愿做出任何承诺。
- She committed herself to philanthropy.她专心从事慈善事业。
- The girl was committed to the care of an aunt.这女孩被交给姨母照顾。
com.mits及物动词)To do, perform, or perpetrate:犯:作、实行或犯(罪):例句:commit a murder.犯谋杀罪
To put in trust or charge; entrust.委托:置于委托或托管人;信托To place officially in confinement or custody, as in a mental health facility.收监,收押:置于官方限制或保护,如在精神健康设施To consign for future use or reference or for preservation:交付,保管:为将来使用、参考或保存而寄存:例句:commit the verse to memory.将诗句存入脑海中
To put into a place to be kept safe or to be disposed of.担保:放在保持安全或予以处理的位置上
To make known the views of (oneself) on an issue:表明:使对一个问题的观点被知道(某人自己):例句:I never commit myself on such issues.我从未对这些问题表示过意见
To bind or obligate, as by a pledge:致力于:约束或强制,如经由誓言:例句:They were committed to follow orders.他们对命令全力以赴
To refer (a legislative bill, for example) to a committee.把(例如立法议案)提交委员会v.intr.(不及物动词)To pledge or obligate one`s own self:使负责,使受约束:例句:felt that he was too young to commit fully to marriage.感到他太年轻不能完全承担结婚的义务
来源:Middle English
committen 中古英语
committen from Latin
committere 源自 拉丁语
committere com- [com-]
com- [前缀com-]
mittere [to send]
mittere [呈交]
relegate同义词>These verbs mean to give over to another for a purpose such as care or safekeeping.这些动词表示为了一个目的例如照应或保持安全而移作他用。
Commit has the widest application and means to deliver to another to deal with:
Commit 对交给他人来处理有最广泛的应用和意义: 例句:The general sent the troops committed to his charge into battle. The word can also refer to giving over for preservation or confinement: 将军派由他指挥的部队去战斗。 此单词也能指努力保存或限制:
例句:I committed the sonata to memory.我记住了奏鸣曲。
例句:The patient was committed to the hospital. To
consign is to transfer to another`s custody or charge: 病人限制在医院。
consign 指交由他人保护或负责 :
例句:The owner consigned the paintings to a dealer for sale.Entrust and
confide stress trust and confidence in another: 所有者将画委托商人出售。Entrust和
confide 强调对别人信任和相信:
例句:The task was too important to be entrusted to a child.此任务太重要而不能托付给儿童;
例句:She confided her plans to her family. To
relegate is to assign to a specific and especially an inferior category or position: 她把自己的计划吐露给家人。
relegate 是分配给一定的和特殊的下级类别和位置:
例句:Some scientists relegate parapsychology to the sphere of quackery. 一些科学家把灵学归类到骗术范围。