cut是什么意思 cut在线中文翻译



n. 切口, 割伤, 降低, 切, 割, 砍, 削, 伤口, 削减, 缩短, 删节, 通路
a. 经切割的, 缩减的
vt. 切, 割, 减少, 刺痛, 开辟, 雕刻, 删节, 缩短, 停止, 排斥, 切断, 关, 显出
vi. 切, 割, 砍, 刺痛, 相交, 抄近路, 剪辑
【计】 剪切
【医】 切伤, 刀伤; 切磨(牙); 切面
【经】 削减
cut into
cut it
cut it fat
cut it fine
cut corners
cut one's losses
cut sb off
cut on
cut out
be cut out for
cut out doing
cut round
cut short
cut sb short
cut through
cut under
cut up
cut sb up
cut up a matter with sb
cut up fat
cut up rough
give sb the cut direct
cut sb to the heart
cut a smart figure
cut classes
a cut above
a cut below
cut about
cut across sth
cut adrift
cut after
cut and carve
cut and run
cut and thrust
cut at
cut away
cut back
cut both ways
cut down
cut sb down


形容词:cuttable 动词过去式:cut 过去分词:cut 现在分词:cutting 第三人称单数:cuts 


chop, cut, hack
chop: 指用刀斧连续猛力砍某物,以便砍断、切碎。
cut: 普通用词,使用广泛。指用带刃工具的切、割、砍等的行动。
hack: 指粗暴地乱剪、乱砍、乱劈。
hurt, injure, wound, cut
hurt: 为普通用语,既可指肉体上的伤害(可被badly, slightly, seriously等修饰),也可指精神上、感情上的伤害(被very much/rather/deeply修饰),多指伤痛。
  • i hurt my leg badly in the football match.
  • he felt rather hurt at your words.

injure: 比hurt正式,主要指意外事故中损害健康、容貌等,强调功能的损失。
  • a bullet injured his left eye.

wound: 指枪伤、刀伤、刺伤等皮肉之伤,是出血的、严重的伤,尤其指用武器有意造成的伤口、伤疤或战场上受伤。也可指人们精神上的创伤。
  • the thief wounded him with a knife.
  • you have wounded his pride.

cut: 指无意中造成的轻伤。
  • how did you get that cut on your hand?
shorten, abbreviate, abridge, cut
shorten: 通常指缩短时间、尺寸或过程。
abbreviate: 指省去应有的或后续的部分,从而使整体缩短。也可指缩短时间。
abridge: 多指对书籍的删节或缩短,删去不重要部分而保存其精华。
cut: 普通用词,指任何缩短而缩减的过程。
wound, bruise, cut, scar
wound: 通常指尖锐锋利的工具所致的伤口,多深及到表皮组织以下。可用作引申指打击或伤害。
bruise: 指表皮下面的组织受损,但没有破裂。但由于血流进组织,因而出现紫块。普通用词。
cut: 指因尖利的器械的刺或割而造成的或深或浅的伤口。
scar: 主要指伤口愈合而留下的伤疤。


名词 cut:

  1. the act of reducing the amount or number
  2. a wound made by cutting同义词:gash, slash, slice
  3. a piece of meat that has been cut from an animal carcass同义词:cut of meat
  4. a distinct selection of music from a recording or a compact disc同义词:track
  5. the act of penetrating or opening open with a sharp edge同义词:cutting
  6. a share of the profits
  7. a step on some scale
  8. a trench resembling a furrow that was made by erosion or excavation同义词:gash
  9. (film) an immediate transition from one shot to the next
  10. the act of cutting something into parts同义词:cutting
  11. the omission that is made when an editorial change shortens a written passage同义词:deletion, excision
  12. the style in which a garment is cut
  13. the act of shortening something by choping off the ends同义词:cutting, cutting off
  14. in baseball; a batter's attempt to hit a pitched ball同义词:baseball swing, swing
  15. a remark capable of wounding mentally同义词:stinger
  16. a canal made by erosion or excavation
  17. a refusal to recognize someone you know同义词:snub, cold shoulder
  18. (sports) a stroke that puts reverse spin on the ball同义词:undercut
  19. the division of a deck of cards before dealing同义词:cutting
  20. an unexcused absence from class

动词 cut:

  1. separate with or as if with an instrument
  2. cut down on; make a reduction in同义词:reduce, cut down, cut back, trim, trim down, trim back, bring down
  3. turn sharply; change direction abruptly同义词:swerve, sheer, curve, trend, veer, slue, slew
  4. make an incision or separation
  5. discharge from a group
  6. form by probing, penetrating, or digging
  7. style and tailor in a certain fashion同义词:tailor
  8. hit (a ball) with a spin so that it turns in the opposite direction
  9. make out and issue同义词:write out, issue, make out
  10. cut and assemble the components of同义词:edit, edit out
  11. intentionally fail to attend同义词:skip
  12. be able to manage or manage successfully同义词:hack
  13. give the appearance or impression of
  14. move (one's fist)
  15. pass directly and often in haste
  16. pass through or across
  17. make an abrupt change of image or sound
  18. stop filming
  19. make a recording of
  20. record a performance on (a medium)
  21. create by duplicating data同义词:burn
  22. form or shape by cutting or incising
  23. perform or carry out
  24. function as a cutting instrument
  25. allow incision or separation
  26. divide a deck of cards at random into two parts to make selection difficult
  27. cause to stop operating by disengaging a switch同义词:switch off, turn off, turn out
  28. reap or harvest
  29. fell by sawing; hew
  30. penetrate injuriously
  31. refuse to acknowledge同义词:ignore, disregard, snub
  32. shorten as if by severing the edges or ends of
  33. weed out unwanted or unnecessary things同义词:prune, rationalize, rationalise
  34. dissolve by breaking down the fat of
  35. have a reducing effect
  36. cease, stop同义词:cut off
  37. reduce in scope while retaining essential elements同义词:abridge, foreshorten, abbreviate, shorten, contract, reduce
  38. lessen the strength or flavor of a solution or mixture同义词:dilute, thin, thin out, reduce
  39. have grow through the gums
  40. grow through the gums
  41. cut off the testicles (of male animals such as horses)同义词:geld

形容词 cut:

  1. separated into parts or laid open or penetrated with a sharp edge or instrument
  2. fashioned or shaped by cutting
  3. with parts removed同义词:shortened
  4. made neat and tidy by trimming同义词:trimmed
  5. (used of grass or vegetation) cut down with a hand implement or machine同义词:mown
  6. (of pages of a book) having the folds of the leaves trimmed or slit
  7. (of a male animal) having the testicles removed同义词:emasculated, gelded
  8. wounded by cutting deeply同义词:gashed, slashed
  9. (used of rates or prices) reduced usually sharply同义词:slashed
  10. mixed with water同义词:thinned, weakened


  1. Her work is a cut above that of the others.她干的工作比别人要好些。
  2. Cut the chatter and get on with your work!别唠唠叨叨了,继续工作吧。
  3. She cut her finger on some broken glass.她被碎玻璃划破了手指。
  4. I don't like the cut of his new suit.我不喜欢他那套新衣服的式样。
  5. I must say I didn't like the cut of his jib.说实在的,我不喜欢他那个样子。
  6. His cruel remarks cut me deeply.他那无情的话太伤我的心了。
  7. Before this play is broadcast several cuts must be made.这个剧目播出前必须经过数次剪辑。
  8. Don't cut your finger on the broken glass.别让碎玻璃割伤你的手。


v.(动词)cut,cut.ting,cuts及物动词)To penetrate with a sharp edge; strike a narrow opening in.穿透:用利刃穿过;在…上开一个小口To separate into parts with or as if with a sharp-edged instrument; sever:割开:用或者好象用有利刃的器具把…分成几部分;切割:例句:cut cloth with scissors.用剪刀剪布
To sever the edges or ends of; shorten:修剪:把…的边缘或末端切掉;缩短:例句:cut one`s hair.剪头发
To reap; harvest:收割;收获:例句:cut grain.收割谷物
To fell by sawing; hew.砍伐:用锯子伐木;砍伐To have (a new tooth) grow through the gums.出牙:从牙龈中长出(新牙齿)To form or shape by severing or incising:剪裁:用切或割使…成形:例句:a doll that was cut from paper.用纸裁成的玩偶
To form by penetrating, probing, or digging:凿出:通过侵蚀、探测或挖掘使…成形:例句:cut a trench.开凿沟渠
To exhibit the appearance or give the impression of:显出:展示…的外表,给人…的印象:例句:cuts a fine figure on the dance floor.在舞台上展现美好的姿态
To separate from a main body; detach:修剪:使…从主体上分离出来;使分开:例句:cut a limb from a tree.砍掉树上的大枝
To discharge from a group or number:裁员:使…脱离某一团体或多数:例句:had to cut three players from the team.不得不从队中裁去三名运动员
To pass through or across; cross:穿过,穿越;与…相交:例句:a sailboat cutting the water.破浪前进的帆船
Games To divide (a deck of cards) into two parts, as in completing a shuffle or in exposing a card at random.【游戏】 抽牌:把(一副牌)分成两份,如在结束洗牌或随意抽一张牌To reduce the size, extent, or duration of; curtail or shorten:削减:减少…的尺寸、范围或持续时间;截短或缩短:例句:cut a payroll; cut a budget; cut the cooking time in half.削减员工数;削减预算;把做饭时间缩短一半
To lessen the strength of; dilute:稀释:减弱强度;淡化:例句:cut whiskey with distilled water.用蒸馏水稀释威士忌
To dissolve by breaking down the fat of:溶解:通过分解脂肪使…溶解:例句:Soap cuts grease.肥皂能洗去油腻
To injure the feelings of; hurt keenly.伤害…的感情;刺痛To refuse to speak to or recognize; snub:冷落,不理睬:拒绝与…说话或相认;冷落:例句:She cut me dead at the party.在聚会上她对我丝毫不加理睬
To fail to attend purposely:逃避:有意不参加:例句:cut a class.旷一堂课
Informal To cease; stop:【非正式用语】 中断;停止:例句:cut the noise; cut an engine.停止嘈杂;关上发动机
Sports To strike (a ball) so that it spins in a reverse direction.【体育运动】 削球:击(球)使其向反方向旋转
To perform:进行:例句:cut a caper.开玩笑
To make out and issue:写出,开出:例句:cut a check to cover travel expenses.开出一张支票支付旅行费用
Slang To be able to manage; handle successfully:【俚语】 有能力处理;成功地应付:例句:He couldn`t cut the long hours anymore.他再也不能应付这么长的时间了
To stop filming (a movie scene).停拍:停止拍摄(某一电影镜头)
To record a performance on (a phonograph record or other medium).录制:在(唱片或其它材料)上录制某一演出To make a recording of.为…录制To edit (film or recording tape).剪辑:剪辑(电影或音带)v.intr.(不及物动词)To make an incision or a separation:切割:使切割或分离:例句:Cut along the dotted line.沿着虚线裁剪
To allow incision or severing:能切割:容许切入或割断:例句:Butter cuts easily.黄油很容易切
To function as a sharp-edged instrument.用作利刃:起有利刃的工具的作用To grow through the gums. Used of teeth.出牙:从牙龈中长出新牙。用于牙齿To penetrate injuriously.刺伤To change direction abruptly:急转方向:突然转变方向:例句:Cut to the left at the next intersection.在下一个十字路口向左急转
To go directly and often hastily:迅速行进:直接并且通常快速地行进:例句:cut across a field.穿过田野疾走
Games To divide a pack of cards into two parts, especially in order to make a chance decision or selection.【游戏】 签牌,抽牌:把一副牌分成两份,尤指为了作出随机决定或选择To make an abrupt change of image or sound, as in filming:切换:突然改换电影的图象或声音:例句:cut from one shot to another.从一个镜头切换到另一个镜头
n.(名词)The act of cutting.切割:切割的动作The result of cutting, especially an opening or wound made by a sharp edge.切口,伤口:切割等造成的后果,尤指由利刃造成的裂口或伤口A part that has been cut from a main body:切片:从主体上切割下来的一部分:例句:a cut of beef; a cut of cloth.切下的一块牛肉;剪下的一块布
A passage made by digging or probing.通道:挖掘或探测而成的道路The elimination or removal of a part:删节:消除或去掉某一部分:例句:a cut in a speech.演讲中的一处删节
A reduction:削减,减少:例句:a cut in salary.减薪
The style in which a garment is cut:款式:衣服被裁剪成的样式:例句:a suit of traditional cut.一套传统款式服装
Informal A portion of profits or earnings; a share.【非正式用语】 份额,股份:收益或利润的一部分;股份A wounding remark; an insult.辱骂,谩骂:伤别人感情的话语;辱骂An unexcused absence, as from school or a class.旷课,逃避:未经允许的缺席,如逃学或旷课A step in a scale of value or quality; degree:级别,度:价值或质量范围的等级;度:例句:a cut above the average.高于一般的程度
Printing 【印刷术】 An engraved block or plate.刻版:雕刻有文字或图案的图版或印版A print made from such a block.印版印刷品:用印版印出的印刷品Sports A stroke that causes a ball to spin in a reverse direction.【体育运动】 削球:使球向相反方向旋转的一击Baseball A swing of a bat.【棒球】 挥棒Games The act of dividing a deck of cards into two parts, as before dealing.【游戏】 签牌:把一副牌分成两份的行为,如在发牌之前One of the objects used in drawing lots.阄:抓阄时用的物品之一An abrupt change of image or sound, as between shots in a film.切换:图象或声音的突然转换,如电影中的两个镜头之间的切换A movie at a given stage in its editing:剪辑片段:处于剪辑中特定阶段的电影:例句:approved the final cut for distribution.核准最后一个场景
A single selection of music from a recording, especially a phonograph recording.唱片:某一录制品,尤指唱片中的一首单一选曲
<常用词组>cut back
To shorten by cutting; prune.修剪:通过切割来缩短;修剪To reduce or decrease:削减,缩减:例句:cut back production.缩减生产
cut down
To kill or strike down.杀死,击倒To alter by removing extra or additional fittings:改装:通过去掉多余的或附加的装置而进行改变:例句:cut down a car for racing.改装一辆赛车
To reduce the amount taken or used:削减:减少食用或使用的数量:例句:cutting down on one`s intake of rich foods.减少对多油腻食物的食量
cut in
To move into a line of people or things out of turn.插入:未按正常顺序地进入一排人或事物To interrupt:打断:例句:During the debate my opponent kept cutting in.在辩论中我的对手不断地插嘴
To interrupt a dancing couple in order to dance with one of them.抢舞伴:打断一对舞伴以使其中之一与自己跳舞To connect or become connected into an electrical circuit.接通:连接或接入电路中To mix in with or as if with cutting motions:切入:用或者似乎用切割的动作将…混合进去:例句:Measure out the flour and use a pair of knives to cut the shortening in.将面粉倒在地上,并用刀子将松软剂加入进去
To include, especially among those profiting.包括在内:包括…在内,尤指在那些获益的人中cut off
To separate from others; isolate.分离,隔离:从其它物体中分离出来;使隔绝To stop suddenly; discontinue.突然停止;中断To shut off; bar.切断;阻拦To interrupt the course or passage of:截断:截断…的道路或通道:例句:The infielder cut off the throw to the plate.内野手把球截断并投向本垒板
To interrupt or break the line of communication of:中断,打断:中断或打断…的通讯线路:例句:The telephone operator cut us off.电话接线员把我们的线路切断了
To disinherit:剥夺…的继承权:例句:cut their heirs off without a cent.完全剥夺了他们继承人的继承权
cut out
To remove by or as if by cutting.切去,删去:用或似乎用切割来去除To form or shape by or as if by cutting.截断:用或似乎通过切割使…成形To take the place of; supplant.取代,排挤:取代;将…排挤掉To suit or fit by nature:适宜,适合:本质上适宜或适合:例句:I`m not cut out to be a hero.我天生就不是做英雄的料
To assign beforehand or by necessity; predetermine:已定,注定:提前指派或出于需要而指派;预先决定:例句:We`ve got our work cut out for us.我们已为自己安排好了工作
To deprive:剥夺:例句:felt cut out of all the fun.觉得失去了所有的乐趣
To stop; cease.停止;中断Informal To depart hastily.【非正式用语】 匆忙离开Chiefly Southern U.S. To turn off (a light or television set).【多用于美国南部】 关掉:关掉(电灯或电视机)cut up 【非正式用语】
To behave in a playful, comic, or boisterous way; clown.卖弄,炫耀:以开玩笑的、滑稽的或喧闹的方式行动;扮小丑To criticize severely.严厉的批评常用词组><习惯用语>cut a fat hog【得克萨斯州】
To take on more than one is able to accomplish:吃不消:承担自己能力所及之外的责任:例句:.Boy, has he cut a fat hog, as they say down home.(Hughes Rudd).好家伙,他象他们所说的南方人那样吃不消了吗?.(休斯·鲁德)
cut corners
To do something in the easiest or most inexpensive way.以最经济方式行事:以最简便或最廉价的方式做某事cut down to size
To deflate the self-importance of.使…有自知之明cut loose
To speak or act without restraint:口无遮拦:毫无限制地说或做:例句:cut loose with a string of curses.一连串地放纵地骂人
cut no ice
To make no effect or impression:不起作用,没有影响:例句:Your objections will cut no ice with management.你的异议对安排毫无影响
cut (one`s) losses
To withdraw from a losing situation.走出失败:从失败的状况中退出cut (one`s) teeth on
To learn or do as a beginner or at the start of one`s career.初学乍练:作为初学者或在某人职业的开端学着做cut short
To stop before the end; abbreviate.缩短:在结束之前终止;缩短习惯用语>来源:Middle English cutten 中古英语 cutten